Something i enjoy

If I am having a multi-stage max stuffing, changing clothes is part of the process. I usually like to take first round at home and I don't care what I wear. I like to make one meal and prep the come-home round. Second round at a restaurant dressed neatly and in something slightly tight, then go to the grocery store for anything I may have missed. Third round is to go home and put on a movie while cycling through the pre-prepped food, any leftovers, and anything I bought at the grocery store in just underwear or naked, and then when I can move again, put on athletic clothes and go for a walk for a bit to make room, then top off to the max with the one thing I saved for last (usually desert) and pass out.
1 month

'retired' stuffers, feedees, gainers, and feeders

I would like to hear more from retired gainers, feedees, or feeders who still keep an eye on what is going on, participating vicariously through the interactions on the forum. I would consider myself a 'never was' since I am just an occasional stuffer who never took the plunge into intentional gaining.

What would you do different if you were 20 years (or more) younger? What did you wish you knew then? What is inspiring to to you now? What does retirement from active gaining look like? Do you mentor anyone active or just sit back and watch?
6 months

Flavor variety and getting super-stuffed

Have you ever tried a breakfast buffet? The first mind-blowing part was that if I started with the pancake/waffle/french toast trio until I hit the syrup sweetness wall, that I could still go savory with cheesy eggs and veggie sausage until I hit the protein wall, then I would have room for sweets again. Also less expensive than dinner buffets in a lot of places.
1 year

What is your dream stuffing session?

My dream stuffing is to go to a cookout or a potluck and wat well. then at the end as I am getting ready to leave, the host wants to do dishes, but there is just enough food left in the serving containers that they won't eat and will otherwise go to waste, which would be a shame, and they could use the company. One by one, I am given a casserole dishes, pie tins, and serving bowls with just over a serving's worth of homemade cooking, while the host does dishes and chats with me, and the topic comes up how they notice and appreciate my appetite.
1 year

What is your dream stuffing session?

My dream stuffing is to go to a cookout or a potluck and wat well. then at the end as I am getting ready to leave, the host wants to do dishes, but there is just enough food left in the serving containers that they won't eat and will otherwise go to waste, which would be a shame, and they could use the company. One by one, I am given a casserole dishes, pie tins, and serving bowls with just over a serving's worth of homemade cooking, while the host does dishes and chats with me, and the topic comes up how they notice and appreciate my appetite.
1 year

Belly rub techniques

I get the same issue when stuffing where it feels like the food is all stuck at the top of my belly. It usually goes away if I take a short break, get up and move, and drink a little liquid. A short walk can really give an appetite a second wind.
1 year

Eating out of the container

Thanksgiving leftovers inspired me to muse about how stuffing yourself is so much more satisfying when eating directly out of the container. Especially the foil baking tray that makes that sound when you scrape the bottom when eating with a serving spoon. The crust at the bottom of and edges of those containers are the best parts of baked mac & cheese and other casseroles, and crumpling it in the trash empty is a mic drop.
1 year

Why do we find such pleasure in getting stuffed beyond capacity?

The aspect of pushing myself to my limits gets the same juices flowing as doing something athletic for me. I am only competing against myself and my limits, but I want to do my best. A fully stuffed belly is an accomplishment, especially when I had to push on for one more bite, one more sip, one more spoonful when I'm not even sure that I can.
1 year

Reasons to pig out/stuff

In general, this is a community against wasting food, so any opportunity to eat rather than throw away food is a valid excuse to keep eating past societal norms. I have been keeping a mental list of reasons to be "allowed" to stuff either myself or to give someone else:

-the food banks have nutritional guidelines and won't take most baked desserts, so anything not eaten will have to be thrown away since it can't be donated.

- there is not enough left to set aside for leftovers or this really isn't as good once reheated, so go ahead and finish this so I can wash the dishes.

- I need to make room in the fridge/panty, so I want you to eat this today.

- we have a long drive home and don't want this to spill in my car, so we can't take it home with us when we leave.

- We paid for this and want to get our money's worth.

- I'm not sure there is going to be anything to eat when we get there, so you better eat first; *eats*; ; *Gets there* I made too much so please eat plenty there is no way I could eat all of this before it goes bad/ I made this just for you since I know you don't x/y/z.

Please add any I forgot or tell any stories to related to times this has happened for you.
1 year

Little things when stuffing

The question about lifestyle changes inspired me to ask what little things you do that you have also seen other people do when stuffing:

changing/removing clothes - I usually have to start removing clothes when I am seriously stuffing myself past comfortable fullness. The air on my belly is soothing.

holding my belly with one hand while eating with the other

the leg twitch - when I am really in a groove with stuffing my face, one of my legs will start bouncing like thumper from Bambi.

I am not usually a soda drinker, but I crave carbonated drinks when stuffing.

What else?
1 year
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