Closet feeders

I don't really get how closet feeding would work. I understand the concept of being a subtle feeder or providing subliminal encouragement, but how exactly would someone feed someone else from the closet?

I have some pro-fattening tendencies but also enjoy physical activity and am not a junk food or sweets person. I would be happy to be a fattening influence to my friends and family, but any time someone close to me loses weight, if they are happy about it, I am happy for them too.
What I won't stand for is someone feeling guilty or disparaging themselves for enjoying food or gaining weight.
3 years


Does anybody else have certain moves they make while stuffing?

When I am in a happy eating zone, I find that I shake my legs without thinking about it. Then, when I am full, nothing feels better than putting my arms up, stretching my back, and shaking my torso from side to side.
3 years

Belly shape?

Dissatisfaction with my belly shape is part of the reason that I don't want to actually put on a lot of weight. I have been heavier and had a boxier, squarish belly then. I have seen that bellies typically get looser and softer on a re-gain, and that is not what I want to look like.
3 years

Got the urge

I get different kinds of stuffing-related urges.

I have a tipping point where if I eat under a certain amount of fullness, I am fine to just eat enough to be satisfied, but if I start to fill up just a little, I want to keep eating until I am maxed-out stuffed.

Sometimes in anticipation of a stuffing session, I have to calm myself down so I don't hurt myself trying to do too much all at once.

There are times where I've eaten, but then I look at how much is left, and if it the leftovers wouldn't make a full that I would want to eat later, I want to finish it all now just to not waste food.

There are days where I know that I am hungry for something specific, but I don't know what. I can pick at 1000 different things until I find it. When I do find it, regardless of how full I have gotten looking for it, I am going to destroy it.

The worst urge I have is when I am stuffed but still eating, but the stuffing is turning me on. The urge to keep eating is fighting the urge to get some. I don't want to be done eating yet, but if I stop eating I will lose my hunger and won't be able to get it back.

The newest urge I have experienced is wanting to eat myself into a food coma. I did it once when I got stuffed on purpose and fell asleep on accident. It was such a peaceful, satisfying experience that I would love to do again.
3 years

Overcoming that full feeling

One of the things that has been helping me in multi-round stuffings is to ride the fullness wave.
Fullness comes on slowly, then hits suddenly. Keep eating until the fullness hits its peak, then use that peak to stretch, rub your belly, and move around until it starts to subside.
When fullness is on the way down, you can re-stuff past your previous peak fullness right away before your brain knows your belly is full. Repeat that cycle for three or four rounds and you will be surprised by how much you can eat.
3 years

Stuffing tips

One tip I have been using on longer, multi-round stuffings is to eat the things that take more work first. Cutting food and chewing can get tiring, and when you only are stuffed and lethargic, that could make the difference between quitting and continuing to stuff.
4 years

Quarantine gain

I am up 15 pounds and, while I am enjoying it, can't wait to get back in the gym and lose it.

I cut back my eating a little in quarantine, but not enough to offset 4 days a week of lifting and cardio.

I haven't been able to get stuffed either, because I don't have the time alone to enjoy it with my wife and kids also under stay at home orders.

I have promised myself a victory stuffing in a restaurant when I do lose the weight. I just haven't decided where yet.

Update - I am fatter than I thought I was. I hadn't weighed myself and was just guessing at the number until today, where I found out I am 290 pounds.

I have been working out to gain back strength and have added more cardio to not be so out of breath, and the muscle has come on quicker than the fat goes away, so while I feel thinner than I did since my pants are looser than they were six months ago, I may have been at or over 300 at some point and didn't even know.

Looks like the victory stuffing is still a ways away, but I still love myself in the meantime.
4 years

Latest thoughts on gaining philosophies

I think your the original thought is very close to the thread about pushers vs. letting goers. If an experimental gain is a letting go, and the perceived anxieties and negatives that inhibited going for it were lifted, then the experiment was a success, while if they are still present or stronger, then it was a failure. For a pusher, at the end, if the pushing and the work were worth it, then the gain was a success, but if they don't feel that the payoff was worth it, then it isn't.
4 years

Stuffing to capacity

Enjoying stuffing to capacity is more of my reason for being here more than for gaining,
4 years

Eating tips beyond hc, shakes, and thc

I wanted to start a thread to put other tips on how to eat that didn't have anything to do with heavy cream or wg/cake shakes.

I am going to start with one I am surprised doesn't get mentioned more often: modify everything.

If you can put cheese on it, get cheese.
Get the guac on that burrito.
Extra shots in the coffee drink
Sprinkles and chocolate syrup on ice cream.

What eating tips do you have?
4 years
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