What makes psychologists more likely to gain a lot of weight?

Is there something to it? Maybe. Do you know enough to draw any meaningful conclusions? No.

As we're not the only two people on this site, I was wondering maybe there are others who can share their experiences and thoughts on the topic.
1 year

What makes psychologists more likely to gain a lot of weight?

Three large women is too small of sample size to do anything with.

Sure, the three biggest women you know are psychologists, but how many psychologists in your area are big women? Not enough data points to say these women are anything but outliers.

I also know the basics of Bayesian statistics smiley

But as I haven't conducted a scientific study on a statistically significant level, and don't have the means to do so, this is all the data I have.

An indicator of significance is that I haven't gotten to know them as psychologists. I got to know them randomly, and only later did I discover their profession. Taking in consideration that women of this size are quite rare in my area, it might be at least a little more than pure random chance.
1 year

What makes psychologists more likely to gain a lot of weight?

In my area there are many slightly chubby women, but there aren't many really big ones. However, I had to notice that the two fattest women in town I've ever seen (big enough to have difficulty walking too far) are both psychologists by trade. And I know of a third psychologist woman, who is also quite big for local standards.

Is that a coincidence? Or is there something in a psychologist's trade that makes them more likely to gain a lot of weight? Sedentary work alone is not the case, because there are many many office jobs around.
1 year

As someone who is only 5'5/166cm how heavy do i have be to reach the point of no return?

I think the "point of no return" is mostly psychological, it's not about an exact weight and height. There is nothing physically stopping anyone from just starting to eat less, or exercise more, or seek help (if too big to actually exercise).

There are some who got almost immobile and then lost some weight for convenience's sake (despite still remaining feedees), and there are some who feel they are past the point of no return at much smaller sizes than that, because they feel they lost all the will to try and rein in their gluttony.
2 years

Morbidly obese woman all my life. ask me anything.

Im new here and I’m 20. I’ve been fat all my life. Feel free to ask me anything about it. Even health stuff is okay

1. if you could magically transform to a different weight only to try it out for a few hours, what would be it?

2. if you could magically transform to a different weight and keep it (but being able to gain or lose naturally from then onward), what would be it?

3. What made you love (or at least accept) your size? Is it mostly about loving the food/eating, or loving your body, or rather the concept of getting fatter? Basically, what dominates? The eating, the size, or the growth?
2 years

Are we allowed to share instagrams??

From experience it seems that just mentioning them in your profile is OK. What's frowned upon and can be blocked, is if you started to post requests or demands in the forum.

Maybe a moderator can give a more detailed answer, but the general tendency is that merely mentioning it is not a problem, advertising it aggressively is however a problem.
2 years

Is denial something that happens for real?

I know someone who was skinny throughout her high school and collage years, and only started to plump up afterwards, from about 120 lbs to 160 lbs, slowly, over several years, and she realized it only at about 150 lbs, because she kept experimenting with new clothing styles, she now had a job and could afford new clothes, and she also gained mostly on her hips and butt, especially initially... so it was a shocking realization for her that she did gain weight, and that it was more than just a couple of pounds.
2 years

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

For those who are in the extra big sizes, it can be common to have trouble finding chairs with arms which can contain you, or even passing through narrower doorways or fitting into booths.

For those who are big enough that your size requires you to plan around it, what were the very first limitations you encountered?
2 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I actually lost weight while working in a fast food restaurant. It was like intense workout for the entire shift, even cheap staff meals didn't help.

Totally voting for remote office job, gained solid 25 pounds.

It sucks when you have to be on the phone all the time tho, no food for you. Luckily I got promoted and could slack'n'snack.

It's so rare to see someone from Eastern Europe who was fat, has gotten even fatter, likes it and wants to keep going. Indeed, as you said, feeder culture seems dead in this region.
2 years

At what point are you super-sized fat?

Just weight alone wouldn't be all that useful, because there are differences in both height and build, which would make someone super-obese and someone else merely plump, at the same weight.

What your body can do and where it can or cannot fit, would be a better criteria.

So, I would say it's where one starts getting bigger than most things are designed for. Chairs, cars, seats, booths becoming too small to fit into comfortably (or at all). Certain body positions and movements starts becoming very difficult or impossible (tying shoelaces, walking up more than a single flight of stairs without having to stop, etc.). The threshold would be when going through narrow doorways, fitting inside small cars and behind restaurant booths is still possible, but only with great difficulties. Where every physical activity is still possible, even if only for very short periods of time. A size which starts seriously affecting what one can or cannot do, but still not as big to make most activities impossible.
2 years
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