Fuzzy or nah?

When it come to male bellies do y'all prefer fuzzy or shaved? Why?
4 years

Gay feeders

I'm pan so I guess I fall under the umbrella? Lol I'm a feeder but can't deny the attraction to stuffing. Not into the gain though
4 years

Enema inflation

When doing an enema what's the longest you can hold it? How much did you hold?
4 years

420 stuffing

Anybody else enjoy getting super stoned then stuffing their bellies until not only the weed, but their guts as well, have them couch-locked?
Any stories?
6 years


Decided to take a day and get super stoned. I forgot how hungry I get when I'm high.... Thus far I've eaten 12 waffles, 3 pizza Lunchables (drink and sweet too), a bagel, steak, and friend potatoes. Not to mention Gatorade and milk to wash it all down. Anybody else do this sometimes? Stories?
6 years

How long?

Longest time with the pump on is at 3 min. How long can you go? (Without being unsafe of course)
7 years

Stomach hurts after inflation

I'm still relatively new on the air inflation front, and was wondering if it was normal that after an air inflation (via your butt) for your stomach to hurt? Like your stomach itself, not just your abdomen.
7 years

Holding inflation

How does one hold a water inflation longer? I can fill to my max but once there can only hold it for a minute or two. Tips?
7 years

Wtf is this?

Anybody else get that feeling five min after you eat when you are starving again?
8 years
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