How many drinks last night

Wow! You guys sound fun to party with lol. I have a big bottle of wine to get through tonight smiley
8 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hi everyone, I'm a new member and so excited I found this forum! I'm in my 20s, female, and bisexual. Ever since I was little I remember feeling attracted to big, swollen, fat bellies on both men and women. I've been thin and fit my whole life but lately I've decided to just let myself go and see what happens...well what happens is I immediately gained ten pounds in two weeks! The truth is I'm loving my new plump belly and the cellulite that has suddenly appeared all over. And can I just say how incredibleeeee it is to stuff myself with whatever I want, whenever I want?! My diet has gone from salads and water to pizzas, beer, and entire cheesecakes. And I love it! I'd love to keep gaining to see how big I can possibly grow my gut. I'm looking for people who will encourage me and also I'd really LOVE to find some people to send snapchats of my stuffed belly to (My username is the same)! So, hello everyone, thanks for reading!
8 years