Acne from weight gain?

An increase in dairy fat always does it to me... heavy cream, more butter, half & half... I'm afraid it's just part of the food we eat. Although, im puzzled because you say this is a recent thing? Hmmm.
Any dietary change recently?

Well, I haven't really changed the kinds of food I eat, I've just been eating more. I feel like I am more prone to getting acne since gaining weight.
6 years

Acne from weight gain?

captain videogameman:
Have you been eating greasy foods? Could just be grease leaving behind residue on your face, which would give you acne.

Well I do love french fries!! 🍟🍟
6 years

So what games are you playing?

I enjoy Cities Skylines, can never get sick of that game!

I play the Sims 2 a bit as well, much better than the current game in my opinion. The Sims 4 is a big disappointment for me.
6 years

Acne from weight gain?

Has anyone experienced an increase of acne after gaining weight?

I have put on about 10-15kg over the last six months or so, and it wasn't until recently that I have been getting some pimples on my cheeks, and one or two near my lips.

Can acne be a thing that comes with weight gain? Is it normal?
6 years

Moobs experiences..

I have always been on the softer side, particularly up top. Early in my high school years, my man boobs started developing, I wasn't overweight but I wasn't very toned either. I've always had a bad diet but I never seemed to suffer the consequences.

My weight started to catch up on me in my final year of high school. I gained about 15kgs in the last semester which resulted in a couple my friends squeezing my man boobs everytime we meet and making fun of me wearing school clothes which had gotten too tight.

After I graduated over eight months ago, I have put on a further 10kgs and I haven't seen my friends since. Whenever we meet again, they'll tell me to go get a bra!
6 years

Who here was the fat kid growing up?

For the most part, I wasn't really overweight growing up. I've always had a bad diet and never seemed to suffer the consequences for my gluttonous ways. My weight started catching up to me when I was in my last year of high school. I remember my school uniform fitted perfectly at the begin of the year, and I was struggling to get them on when I graduated several months later. When my friends started to notice I was putting on weight, they would go up to me and sneeze my nipples. I put on about 15kgs that year and I think I have gone up another 8kgs since I started working. How weight can so easily sneak up on you...
7 years

Where do you carry most of your fat?

Through my family, I have always found it so easy to get bigger in my belly first, and it has been the case for most of my life. My butt has always been quite big, not matter how fat or thin I am.

But lately, through winter time, I have gained about 6-8kgs, and it has been my legs which have been growing, rather than my belly. Also, I have been getting fuller around the gills which has helped me with my quest of getting double chin. My butt has gotten bigger too and jeans have been certainly been a struggle to try on and buy.

I would say at this point in time, my belly is slightly out in front, but my thighs are really catching up. Better lay off some cake, cream and cheese!
7 years

What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

My earliest signs was watching a Sims 2 Weight Gain video on YouTube and overdressing to make myself look big. I think I was about 12 back then.
7 years

You know your fat when...

You either:

- Need someone to help you up from a seated position.

- Have a belly that is noticeable and is protruding when wearing a dress shirt, especially when tucked in.

- Cannot wear a tie as your neck is too fat and wide.
7 years


I really like the new rolls I have been getting! During the winter period in my country, I have put on quite a bit of weight, about 6-8kgs and I have to say, I've gotten so much thicker! My body is full of rolls, and I like how they vary in sizes! I do feel happier living in my blubber body!
7 years
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