Bmi. what's yours?

23.3 I am way undernourished----someone stole all my Covid pounds.
3 years

Nonfeeder fat appreciators

I am undeniably a feeder and have been as long as I can remember. It is so woven into my love of fat that I have no sense what fat appreciation is without feeding in some form.

I suppose this is similar to an alcoholic who doesn't get the concept of "having a social drink" as it is not worth it to sip on a drink when you want to get pounded through hard pulls on a jug and that might be dangerous and socially unacceptable, so you do it in private.
3 years

Weight gain

This is incredibly hot. I love the whole couple/married thing. I wish you both a lot of fun with this.

I went for work once for several months and my SO picked me up at the airport in a blouse that didn't fit anymore. It just says so much.....
6 years

Skinny women

I find the idea of a skinny woman who is secretly fascinated with fat to the point that she is unable to resist coming here, really very hot.
7 years