Discord server for lesbians into feedism

Need to figure out how to fix that cause I'd love to join too!
5 years

Searching queer girls who like queer girls

Not sure if les or bi, but definitely fem and I agree, need more LGBT dedication here.
I just like cooking for others~
5 years

Have you found your feeder?

nope, don't think there are any feedees in my area.
5 years

Any feeders here who don't want to gain weight?

i love seeing both women and men get fatter and more out of shape, but I have no interest in gaining. i like to stay fit and strong.

I am the same I love seeing both sex get fattened up. but love my slim and healthy body and a health fanatic.

Ditto, wouldn't mind my boobs getting a size or two bigger, but as for me actually getting fatter, no. I like my waistline as it is, that's why I encourage everyone around me to eat more.
6 years
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