Any feeders available?

Yup, it's pintorderodape
1 year

Any feeders available?

Always avaiable for some growing beautys
1 year


I wanna do a feeding so bad. Mutual or I just wanna stuff someone till they burst. Anyone in PA? Or we could do it online?

I get you sooooo much. I just want someone to be a glutton with. Go to an pizza All-you-can-eat and eat till my pants get unconfortable...

How i miss those things.
1 year

Changing my mind

I've always thought abou being the feeder, loved to think about the contrast between me and my partner, but recently... I've kind of changed my mind.

During all this isolation time, I've gained quite an amount of weight, got a little softer here and there. At first, I was a little bummed by that. I love chubbiness, always have loved, but on other people. I love to see bodies growing and getting softer, but never mine. And here I am now, looking at some pics and videos I took, getting a bit aroused by it...

You see, I'm not going to gain weight... At least, not right now. I'd love to find someone, share some expiriences, gain together, or even that they make me gain...

So many ideas.
2 years

Trying to change

Hey everyone, so, today I was going to start a new gym and exercise life, trying to get rid of my chubby and (kinda) plump body, in exchange for a fit and lean one (until I can't find someone to fatten up together lol) and thought that would be nice to catalog that process here.

I'm going to post two photos in my profile for some ilustration in a while, so feel free to go there and see.

By the next days am going to update this blog with some developments (being those for more, or less weight).

It would be lovely to see some interectins, advices, thought, praises or shames, I'm all yours to talk about.

Ohhh, and if it matters, I think that by today I'm weighting 70 kg (150 lbs or so) and am 1,60 m

That's it!! Hope you enjoy!!
2 years

Finding my ex's lost weight.

So, that's kinda my first post in here, and english isn't my first language at all, so be gentle, ok? Kay.

Me(21M) and my ex(21F) had a feeder feedee relashionship for 3 years. At her biggest she gained over 30 Kg (66 lbs).

We broke up last year and she started losing all the weight gained w/ me, and that's ok.

She went from 90 Kg back to around 60, what i found great, she got very self councious after our break up.

Now comes the "bad" part. I think that i've found some of those pounds she lost. When we splitted up i was kinda fit (around 60 kg too, with some muscle and all). At the start I was feeling a little sad about it, but as time passed I, bizzarelly, started to... enjoy it(?).

Thinking that as she lost the weight that i helped her putting, it started to come at me...

I always thought about the whole Mutual Gaining thing, but when i was already with someone... But feeling a little softer in some parts is kinda good.

Just wanted to share those thoughts, and hear a little out here.

TL;DR: She broke up with me, started losing weight and I started gaining it.
2 years

Can't remember the name

Yeah!!!! That's it, thanks!
3 years

Can't remember the name

Hey guys, just a shot.

I can't remember the name of that story I read a while ago.
It's about a couple that starts a bet, the guy offers to move to the girls house, if she gains a certain amount of weight.

Hope someone can help with that one
3 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

So, I'm not really a gainer or anything, but lately I've been feeling a little pudgier...

Like, feeling the inside of my thighs rubing each other, stuff like that. Its quiet a strange feeling for me.
3 years

Giving up your muscular or thin body for your overweight or obese partner

I'd surely do It, I find the mutual gaining thing just awesome. Getting big alongside w/ that SO... Just the dream.

But I think that the difference between both should still exist, the contrast should always exist, even if it is slightly less evident.
3 years
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