Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed IRL

2. Ate myself to sleep
no, seems crazy

3. Had sex while being fed at the same time
would love it

4. Stolen food because I�m just a piggy
Not yet

5. Been called a fat name in public
Yes, meat ball

6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly
No, sadly ;-;

7. Been fatter than my current weight
Yes, tryng to be fit until finding the right girl

8. Ripped clothes or popped a button

9. Broken furniture because of my weight

10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on

11. Fantasized about immobility
Many times
12. Ate until I threw up
sort of
13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size
not yet
14. Posted nudes of myself online
15. Been fed online
No, but would love it
16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member
No, the opposite
17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat
My dream
18. Started rubbing my belly in public
Never, dont have belly yet
19. Been called a pig
20. Been weighed and measured by my partner
My other dream
21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer
6 years

Bmi. what's yours?

23,44, good enough
6 years

Met a girl who looks like she'll be heavy one day

man, you're a lucky one
just give us the updates
6 years
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