Should i break up with my girlfriend?

Be honest with her and hope to be cool friends. Don't fall for the trap of her "reconsidering" just to make you happy because that will turn into resentment each time an unrelated argument occurs.
She might change her attitude in 10 years but with your true desires, she's not the 1 for you right now.

Couldn’t agree more with this one.
2 years

Deep fryer recommendations

We have both a deep fryer and an air fryer but love the former! The air fryer kind of dehydrates the meat and makes it taste a bit dry, although it’s more convenient, but I don’t think it’s any healthier. 😂
2 years

Hidradenitis suppurativa

Thank you for your reply. I will look into it. Somehow HS is worse though. I am in a group on Facebook which tackle on these issues, most of them are not on the heavy scale. But I've been wondering why we don't talk about it here when we should.
2 years

Hidradenitis suppurativa

Does anyone else here suffer from this auto-immune disease (abscesses around the sweat glands including the belly folds)? I never heard anyone talk about it. Just thought it would be nice to have to discuss such an issue, and know that maybe I’m not the only one with it.
2 years


Just make sure it’s not water based smiley
2 years

Airplane seats, when are you too big

I hope you were able to get on with your holiday. Airlines cannot refuse you to fly with them just because of weight issues. Sue them if ever it gets to that, but I hope it doesn’t and never will.
2 years

Like to get fat. but i hate heartburn

My problem is my feet. When I have too much sugar, or when I eat crustaceans especially, my feet swells up smiley my cardiologist prescribed pantoprazole for heartburn. If you don’t have anything with you though, baking soda works wonders.
2 years

Love stuffing, can’t stand eating noises

You shouldn’t be ashamed of enjoying food that you eat just because people are sensitive to it. If you are in public you are entitled to enjoying your meal just as much as the next and if you want to make noises by all means make noises[/quote]

You’re too kind! Thank you! Makes me feel better.
2 years

Love stuffing, can’t stand eating noises

I’m sorry but this makes me sad. smiley I don’t do it on purpose, but I always always make a sound when I eat something really good and pleasurable. I’ll be sure to be more cautious next time when dining out now that I know there are people sensitive to such things.
2 years

How can you eat more in one sitting?

Eat with like minded people. Eat with people who are happy to just eat and not complain about gaining weight. You’ll be sure to eat more than your usual without you noticing. smiley
2 years
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