Sitting vs standing belly

I prefer standing. Don't get me wrong I love how it sits on my lap when sitting. I just enjoy feeling the heft of it while standing. I really like to feel it sway when I'm walking.
9 years

How young did you realize?

I realized when I was very young as well. I remember the first time I saw the fair scene from charlottes Webb. The feeling I got from the cartoon pigs will be pigs. I remember trying to eat seconds of dinner hoping it would blow me up to supersize. When I was in the fifth grade I gave my young chubby teacher a box of candy at the end of the school year. I remember her saying " I'm going to get fat with all this candy." I remember the intense feeling I got. There was for sure feeder in me. Especially, when I saw that same teacher in September much fatter. It was not until I was in college that I learned it had a name and there others who felt the same way I did.
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

When I was 7 my nick name was flaco (Spanish for skinny). When I made it to high school I was a fit 150. I started gaining at that weight and now I'm pushing 307.
9 years

Weight gain since high school

I was a fit 147 then and 305 now. Had my reunion last summer. I dropped a lot jaws from those who were able to recognize me.
9 years

Gainer appetite changes

I for sure experience 1 thru 5. Also I have to plan everything around what I'm going to eat. Already planning the meal after the meal.
9 years

Judgement from family at xmas?

I put on 43 pounds this year so I was prepared for a cascade of comments. I know which family and friends would be the real intrusive and try to call me out in front of everyone. I did my best to stay clear of them. I was surprised that the comments were not too bad. I did get a lot jaw drops from those who have not seen me in a year. I just played it cool and confident.
9 years

The advantages of a big belly?

Advantages 1)When caring a lot of stuff you can use your belly as a shelf for extra support. 2) There is no such thing as a wrinkled dress shirt. 3)Its also a fairly commanding presence when you enter a crowded room.

Disadvantages as many have said it does gets in the way. I tend to shift my way up versus just getting up
9 years

You know you're fat when...

When you hear parents whisper to their children "if you keep eating candy your going to get a belly like that man "
9 years

Gain vacation

bbw hunter wrote:
californiabay wrote:
I did a vacation in late spring this past year. I went to Los Angeles for a 10 days. I rented myself a room not far from the beach. I have lived in LA before so I know the area well. I spent those 10 days gorging and eating at all my favorite places and trying new ones. Had countless eating adventures and challenges. My goal of the trip was to get past a plateau and really get my gaining going.

How did it go? Did you break through?

I did! I gained about 11 pounds in that time. However, only 7 stuck but I did get past the plateau.
9 years

Gain vacation

I did a vacation in late spring this past year. I went to Los Angeles for a 10 days. I rented myself a room not far from the beach. I have lived in LA before so I know the area well. I spent those 10 days gorging and eating at all my favorite places and trying new ones. Had countless eating adventures and challenges. My goal of the trip was to get past a plateau and really get my gaining going.
9 years
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