Anyone on herr a fan of fat male artwork?

I have drawn it, and have always fantasized about seeing some by really talented artists. I explored this artwork section hoping to see BHM pinups. For the love of God, hook me up! I've been waiting patiently for 31 years! LOL
7 years

Extremely low budget gaining - thoughts?

Hello all, long time lurker first time poster because I wanted to get some of your thoughts on the following:

I've been trying to gain weight for almost a year, but alas I've run into trouble trying to get a good gaining diet down.

Weight gain is essentially just the result of a caloric surplus. However actually consuming those calories is super hard for me for the following reasons:

1. I don't like eating big meals (yet)
2. Student budget - EXTREMELY tiny budget. Like seriously, it buys rice and beans every month and that's it. This will improve in time but I don't want to wait.
3. Based in Canada. Prices are higher, and many gaining avenues simply don't exist. No heavy cream, no cheap whole milk.

So I've been puzzling out a solution and I think I've found one. However I'd like some input from some of the more experienced members I've seen on this site from time to time.

By chance, I found an extremely good deal on extra virgin olive oil in bulk. Crazy right? You'd think that would be the expensive thing, especially here in Canada! But nope, very affordable.

In addition to being the most calorie dense per dollar, extra virgin olive oil is a monounsaturated fat that promotes subcutaneous fat formation and it contains the lowest level of oleic acid of other oils (too much can lead to gout and joint problems, so don't chug vegetable oils for pete's sake!). These are all good things.

There is one catch however. The human body can only digest a certain amount of calories in the form of lipids (fat) per unit of time. I learned this the hard way when I first tried out my new supplement and had terrible diarrhoea the next day.

Ideally I'd like to be able to mix up specific amounts of olive oil and drink them every couple hours.

Can anybody help? About how much fat can the human stomach digest per hour/2 hours/x unit of time? Can this be modified with specific stomach contents (i.e food that absorbs the oil and decreases the absorption rate of the digestive system, thus increasing the amount you can put in your belly each day).

Would love to know your thoughts on this.

Tl;Dr - How much olive oil can I drink per x unit of time without my body flushing it straight through my digestive tract? Tried anything similar yourself? Thoughts?
this sounds like a really bad idea! If you have an oven, try making cakes from cake mixes. They're dirt cheap--the store brands are 99 cents USD. You'll blow up quickly.
7 years

Why are you on ff??????

I love FF because it is a place where my love of BHMS and my desire to help my bf attain his goal of weighing 300 lbs while maintaining good health and fitness will be understood, appreciated, and encouraged. Before I met my bf/feedee on FF, I loved looking at the FF male photos; I love seeing photos and footage of big guys with no shirts that were not taken/filmed as a joke at the guys' expense. We do not see enough body positive BHM pics in the media. The majority of over weight men suffer silently because they are told that expressing body dissatisfaction is unmanly. I will tell anyone who asks that I'm an FA, and I long for the day when feederism becomes as socially accepted as being LGBTQ. I also appreciate FF because I am a little chubby myself; I feel more beautiful at my current 16 W size than I would at a smaller size, and it is nice to be able to read posts by other women who choose to be plus size and remind myself that I'm not crazy for wanting a flabby tummy aND thick thighs, that paying $12 a week to starve myself at Weight Watchers was crazy, especially since I did not lose any weight during the last 6 months I tortured myself. Welcome to FF, LatteMadonna, you're among friends, sorry your husband doesn't appreciate how lucky he is; he sounds like a jerk.
7 years

How fat would you like to be?

I'm starting to think that this thread is for people who want to be extremely obese, over 500 lbs and such. I apologize to anyone I have unintentionally offended.
7 years

Fat survey

I tried to take this survey using an Android smartphone and found it impossible to scroll down after about the thiRd question.
7 years

How fat would you like to be?

I'm 183.8 right now. I like to keep my weight between 180 and 184. I used to weigh 297, but that didn't work out; I couldn't handle the health problems--arthritis in my twenties, plantar fasciitis, extreme sweating, etc. This is much better--I've still got pudge that jiggles when I brush my teeth, but it's easier to find cute clothes in my size, and walking eight blocks in the summer doesn't require a towel to keep sweat from burning my eyes. As for BHMS, I think of different sizes of guys as different, appealing flavors. I fantasize about 5'8", 300 lb guys, but have never had the pleasure. I did a 5'8", 220 lb guy last summer. It was my first experience with a fat guy and I know I'll never go back to skinny guys. The guy I'm interested in now is at least 350 lbs. Before, I would have said that that was too large for my preferences, but now that I've spent time with him, I think he's smokin' hot! Also, I have never been into man boobs before, but he's made me a devout and zealous convert. He's got the most amazing, PERKY G-cups--and he's 32 years old!!! On Saturday, I'm going to tell him that his name--Bryan with a "Y"--is sexy. Wish me luck! smiley
7 years

Fat at the mall - suggestions?

If you go to the Mall of America, there is a good chance that you will be the fattest person there. It's located near Albert Lea, Minnesota, the "healthiest" town in America. (Don't worry, the food in the mall is awesome. They put mayonnaise on tenderloins.) When I went there in 2008, I weighed about 225 lbs, and I was by far the most overweight person there. Everyone was really nice, even the Bubba Gump employee who had to deal with me being upset that they didn't have women's plus size T-shirts. (I was not a bitch to her, I know it's not her fault, but seriously, Bubba Gump?) I plan to go back with my BHM friend who weighs about 350 and hope that people mistakenly think he's my boyfriend. I'm barely chubby now, and I can eat more than him, and faster, so I'm looking forward to eating in the food court and especially at Bubba Gump's. (Definitely get the fried shrimp!) smiley
7 years

First pubic fat shaming :(

At a cousin's birthday party, when I was about 5, I asked for a piece of cake with a "flower" on it to get extra frosting. My father told my aunt that I was fat and said, "You should see her belly." I was not fat at the time. My father always tried to drag me down and destroy my self-esteem. He did the same thing to my mom. He was a bast.ard and I'm not ashamed to say that I'm glad he's dead. It's a relief not having to deal with fat shaming from him, of myself, my mom and her family members, and my BHMs. I have high self-esteem despite his best efforts, and I love holding my head high and dressing like a size 16 Carrie Bradshaw and knowing that there's not a damn thING he can do about it.
7 years

Chest pains after stuffing

The other day, I ate until I was pleasantly full, then drank a little over a liter of water until I was beyond stuffed. I lay down on my bed, and then began experiencing chest pains. I am 31 years old, 30 lbs overweight but reasonably fit with no history of heart trouble. I was freaked out, so freaked out that I'm never going to stuff again. Obviously, I'm not going to try to tell other adults what they should or should not do with their bodies, but I'm wondering, has anyone else experienced this?
7 years