Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

Here's a kinky weight-gain game you can play with yourself in your pursuit toward obesity.

Do laps around your house, but at certain points set out plates of junk food/fast food where you stop and eat them.

Trick that former athletic body of yours into thinking it's getting back in shape, then shortly after load yourself up with calories from delicious junk food.

Another iteration of this would be to bring snacks to the gym, clearly eating more than you're burning.

That's hot as fuck actually. Makes me want to bring McDonald's to the gym next time I go.

I just brought McDonald’s to the gym with me and the looks I got made me feel like such a fat pig. I loved it. Of course I got even more McDonald’s after the gym. Gotta make up for those burnt calories

Now that's dedication smiley. Might make a reputation for yourself there as the McDonald's guy.

Something else you can do. Going on the treadmill? Instead of drinking water, maybe bring a thick chocolate frappe or milkshake.

if anyone gives you side eye just explain you're carb loading
1 year

Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

Here's a kinky weight-gain game you can play with yourself in your pursuit toward obesity.

Do laps around your house, but at certain points set out plates of junk food/fast food where you stop and eat them.

Trick that former athletic body of yours into thinking it's getting back in shape, then shortly after load yourself up with calories from delicious junk food.

Another iteration of this would be to bring snacks to the gym, clearly eating more than you're burning.

That's hot as fuck actually. Makes me want to bring McDonald's to the gym next time I go.

I just brought McDonald’s to the gym with me and the looks I got made me feel like such a fat pig. I loved it. Of course I got even more McDonald’s after the gym. Gotta make up for those burnt calories

They're wondering when you're going to notice that you bulked way too hard. You had abs so recently and now you're lugging around a big gut!
1 year

Wife plumped up, husband not a big fan

I mean for me in my relationship both of our weights fluctuate. I am thinner than when we met but fatter than three months ago. I'm the one into weight gain, but he's into turning me on so he's really happy to indulge my fantasies in the bedroom while trying to stay healthy otherwise. He's always been fatter and for him staying healthy is more about keeping his sugar intake down and being moderately active than being thin.

If you think he might be receptive, maybe talk to your husband about your interests, and how they could be indulged in fantasy. Would you enjoy role playing that one of you got fat? It sounds like you're not actually fat but maybe just no longer underweight?

I also used to have an ED, and for me this fetish was totally a way to eroticize my shame around food and letting go of being underweight. I think it helped my recovery to stop resisting that. After recovering and getting fat for a few years, I can now actually intuitively regulate my weight without being super obsessive and miserable about it. I'm not as skinny as I used to be but I'm technically a normal weight now and I'm pretty comfortable with that.
1 year

Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

Just think of the pitying and judgemental stares from people seeing for themselves how you can't out exercise a bad diet.
1 year

Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

Here's a kinky weight-gain game you can play with yourself in your pursuit toward obesity.

Do laps around your house, but at certain points set out plates of junk food/fast food where you stop and eat them.

Trick that former athletic body of yours into thinking it's getting back in shape, then shortly after load yourself up with calories from delicious junk food.

Another iteration of this would be to bring snacks to the gym, clearly eating more than you're burning.
1 year

Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

You must be so embarrassed to be seen by people who knew you just like six months ago. Don't you notice their eyes flicking between your face and your gut? They must pity you for ruining you body so quickly.
1 year

Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

They’d probably make fun of me for turning into a fat ass

You should go, see what happens
1 year

Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

The pants won’t button anymore

What would your team say if you showed up like that to support them?
1 year

Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

Oh I’ve been eating like a hog for the last few months

Settling into your new life huh? How is your uniform fitting now?
1 year

Jock to officially obese in 4 months - humiliate me

I’ve had a few people ask if everything was alright with me. They were concerned that I’ve put on so much weight in such a short time. I just told them that it’s part of settling into my new life without sports

So are you still eating like an athlete and it all sticks to you or are you pigging out even more than before?
1 year
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