Into rp? post your info. here!

I'm not particularly experienced in fetish RP, but I'm only down to do it with females. I'm down for damn near anything, given it's MF. But I have an idea in mind where a duchess (or other rich/influential female) is alone in her stately home and slowly loses self control relating to getting her butler to bring her food, eventually even having him feed her. The butler is a little concerned but goes along with his mistress's requests. I'm not too picky about if it's historical or modern, but if it is historical I'd prefer to stick with it. If the mistress requests sexual behaviour, the butler will oblidge, but he won't bring it up on his own. Same attitude towards lewd RP in other situations too. I'm down for any chat client as well, although I may have to make an account for some of them. Time-wise I'm AEDT but with terrible sleeping habits.
7 years