What is the heaviest man you have dated?

At 130lbs, I'm probably gonna be far from the heaviest man anyone has dated but who knows. Maybe the right woman will come along and change that.
6 years

How long did it take?

I don't have a wide spread of weight but I was 125 in January of 2015, was 138 in December, then I got back down to 127 by March. I gained again in the summer, hitting 140lbs in September of 2016. Taking into acount the months I was actually gaining, I wanna say it took a grand total of 15-16 months. Both times I actively gained, I effectively gained the same amount of weight. The second time happened in about three months. Currently at 131lbs.
6 years

Weight gain to surprise gf(who is also feeder)

Daily heavy cream right before sleep can be an easy way to get in the calories if you can stomach it.

To make it more palatable, you might like to try mixing it with chocolate milk. Make sure you go to bed full.
6 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

At 130lbs, I don't really feel right being "a skinny person". Almost like there's a fat guy trapped in here that needs to be set free. I just wish I could come across a lot of fat friends that would help me get him out.
6 years

College weight gain

I hit a gainer kick when I found this community back in late 2014. I went from an underweight 125 to a "normal range" 135. I was living in a dorm for a year. I've gained and lost back and forth since then, reaching as high as 140lbs. I'm currently 130lbs.
6 years

Growing up a fat man in a skinny body

This kind of happened to me slowly over time. Been a huge fat admirer for as long as I can remember (probably when I was around 11 or 12), and fast forward several years and I got into the idea of feederism and making someone fatter. I think the lack of actually engaging in feederism made me sort of project the idea onto myself maybe two or three years ago: what if instead of making someone else fatter, I just started gaining weight myself?

Im still very much at odds with it, I still want to stay thin and be able to get around in life without any sort of negativity in regards to my appearence as I'm incredibly insecure. But every now and then I think about being double my current weight and it's something I desperately desire. It's going to take quite the courage/encouragement for me to even get near that level, though I have unintentionally gained close to 20lbs since then, and I've been loving it and hating it at the same time for the same reasons.

Sigh....fat is too good...

Reading through your posts, I identify a lot with you. Always had a fascination with fat people, and grew up as a bean pole. When I hit puberty, I directed my fascination towards women specifically getting fat, but over time that morphed into: "I should get fat too."

There are a few things standing in my way, and part of me feels like I should stay thin and fit so I can help my already-slim dating chances, and not get ostracized by the people I know on a day to day basis who might judge. Part of the reason I've been working nose to the grindstone on academics and saving money is so I can move away, hopefully meet a special girl who's into this too, and live prosperously with a good income and an expanding waistline.

I'm still skinny yet at 130lbs and I work out for now, but I am thoroughly convinced I'm a future fat guy.
6 years

"about" tab broken sometimes?

I wonder if that's why. I know it was a common trend with the "feeder goddess" trend of user that were trying to scam people.
6 years

"about" tab broken sometimes?

I've looked on some profiles, and for some reason, if I were to hit the "about" tab to see the meat of their profile, it disappears and goes "No items found" is this an issue related to people who can't update their basic info?
6 years

Updated size survey

A. How big are you now?

2. I am pretty scrawny.

B. What's your goal size?

6 sounds terrific

C. What would your goal size be if you were independently wealthy?

7 if I was with someone who wanted me that big

D. What would your ideal partner's size be?

I'd love her to be a 6 or a 7.

E. If you could, by magic, experience a size for a short time, which would be it?

I'd wonder what being a 8 would be like if I could pick one. Though if I could experience a bunch of them, I'd definitely like to experience all of the above sizes to "try them on".
6 years

My weight gain journey.

Really awesome story there. I love how appealing all of the experience sounds, especially going from a decently athletic body and then just undergoing a metamorphosis into an obese fatty.

As a former cross-country runner myself, I think the whole thing about the butt jiggling while running sounds like it would be an interesting sensation.

Thanks for sharing!
6 years
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