Online teasing, fat shaming

Please guys, write to my email, I can't open your messages here today :/
5 years

Online teasing, fat shaming

Hey everyone!
I'm in the mood to write - I'm looking for someone who comments on my pics and videos and tells me how fat I am.
Not in the cute way like calling me chubby, but calling me a fat porker and reminds me of the things I got to fat for.
Maybe a bit roleplay, like a visit to the doctor or something else involving teasing or fat talk smiley
Anyone interested? smiley
Write me
5 years

Post all challenges here

What shake challenge? I'm interested smiley
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

The social gainer (the poking magnet)
You are a special kind of gainers, you do want to be fat but you mostly get off on the attention it brings you, you LOVE it when people comment on your weight, and you don’t mind them touching , patting and poking your belly around. That’s why you like eating out and shocking people with the amount of food that you can eat. in a relationship you get off on being teased and told how much of a piggy you have been while being made to eat more. You're may or may not be completely submissive but when it comes to being fat you crave all the attention it gets you even if its slightly negative.
5 years

How big is your belly ?


(Wooah! Your belly is huge! You struggle to get around from place to place, and often have to stop to catch your breath. Slight chance of death...)
5 years

Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed IRL
Sadly, no

2. Ate myself to sleep
Yes, many times smiley

3. Had sex while being fed at the same time
No, but I'd love to

4. Stolen food because I�m just a piggy

5. Been called a fat name in public
of course

6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly

7. Been fatter than my current weight
no, I've never been fatter smiley

8. Ripped clothes or popped a button
All of the time, I can't count how many buttons popped off..

9. Broken furniture because of my weight
Yes. a few chairs and a couch

10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on

11. Fantasized about immobility

12. Ate until I threw up

13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size

14. Posted nudes of myself online
no, not nudes

15. Been fed online

16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member
many times smiley

17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat

18. Started rubbing my belly in public

19. Been called a pig
yes, just look at me smiley

20. Been weighed and measured by my partner

21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer
7 years