Too much?

I think this boils down to the fantasy being better than the reality for some men. I, for one, think it's a huge turn on to see a beautiful girl that is not ashamed of her weight and enjoys her girth. Would be proud to have you as my woman smiley
14 years

Metalheads unite!

[quote]jesterrace632 wrote
so, is anyone else going to Maryland Death Fest? Asphyx, Mayhem, Marduk, Bolt Thrower, Atheist, Pestilence.... the list goes on and on[/q

I'd love to go! But here in WV, there aren't many people into that kind of music...don't want to go by myself smiley
15 years

Relgious f.a's?

There are no provable concepts or facts for any religion. The very definiton of "faith". Belief without evidence.
15 years

Metalheads unite!

Starfeather wrote:
hamish wrote:
haha you called my bluff, i don't really listen to metal at all...the bands i just named are way too heavy for my tastes, i'm an RnB man myself, what is it about men screaming angrily that makes you guys enjoy such an awful racket?

DUDE..... You just wouldn't understand unless you've ever gotten laid while listening to Reign In Blood...........Or taken serious bong rips while listening to Master of Reality, man.

I agree! I lost my virginity in junior high while listening to the self titled Deicide album. Luckily she was a metalhead smiley
15 years

How to get a ball belly

Lots of beer and soda!
15 years

Metalheads unite!

[quote]Moonchild wrote:
So I'm listening to Omen right now because I haven't had a classic traditional heavy metal fix for a while, and in one song, "The Axeman," they sing "Bow down to the axeman," but at first it really sounded like "Bow down to the assman." Just thought that was appropriate for here. I'm totally an ass man. Also a breast man. And a belly man. Etc.

But mostly I don't want this thread to stay buried because it brings me lots of metallic joy.

Been getting real into sludge recently, among other doomy stuff, even though I don't really have a lot of experience with it. Baroness is probably my favorite. Listened to Made Out of Babies today, and it was really awesome, but I really can never judge an album after one listen.

Also, since I'm above all else an old school speed/thrash kind of guy, and I haven't checked out a new thrash band in almost a month (Hexen was the last one, and they're friggin awesome), I downloaded (I'll buy eventually) some Liege Lord. Not as thrashy as I was led to believe, but damn good.

By the way, on the 28th, Bonded by Blood, Exmortus, and Witchhaven are playing a FREE show at the Water Grill in Brooklyn. I'm probably gonna go. If anyone's in the area, Bonded by Blood and Exmortus are really awesome new thrash bands, especially Exmortus. Never heard Witchaven, but it's free, so they could be terrible and it would still be worth it.

Bonded by Blood/Exmortus/Witchaven
Saturday March 28, 2009 - 7:00 PM
The Water Grill
7026 3rd Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209

Listening to Witchaven's Myspace stuff now, it's at least competent blackened thrash.

Omen is great old metal! So many melodic riffs. You should also check out Stormwitch..amazingly underrated. For great blackened thrash check out Bewitched and Witchery!
15 years

Tyra show

Brucifer wrote:
tubbytiffany wrote:
for those who are confused about jae's appearence on the tyra show

i still think if this stuff is true then she is promoting her and her site falsely.

Exactly. It's a gimmick. It's a fantasy that men will pay for. She was smart to take advantage of it, and stupid to throw it all away simply because her husband is taking it farther than what she's comfy with.

It's just like I said in the thread about paysite of the reasons why some get involved is to impress a man.

I rest my case. And she can take her rightful place with Kelligrrl, Brooke, and all the other popular women who virtually sold their bodies to men and fantasies that were discomforting to them all along.

You hit the nail on the head. If someone is gaining weight for another's benefit only, fan or man, they will regret it in the long term. What I admire most, is single women of their own free will, loving themselves and reveling in their own fat and gluttony...simply loooking for that partner that shares their desires with no other agendas. Let me tell you that is truely someone who knows who they are and what they likesmiley
15 years