Longest you've ever gone padded up?

I have stayed padded overnight once or twice it's a bizzare feeling waking up and finding your weight distribution has changed

damn that's really hot
2 years

Feeder audio

Does anyone have any feeder audio reccomendations?
2 years

Moobs experiences..

Yep, pretty much always been there since I was a teen...

In college, a guy once complimented my “well-built” chest, asking me if I worked out a lot. But then a girl came up and said, “It doesn’t look like muscle.” She then reached out and cupped one of my moobs. “Doesn’t feel like muscle, either...” I flushed with embarrassment.

Also reminds me of when someone said I looked thinner and asked if I was working out. He went to grab my butt, but only got a handful of fat. He just gave me an awkward look. You really just can’t tell or make assumptions...

Why did he grab your butt???

That's what I was wondering lol
3 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

I am not the least bit ashamed. I love big ladies, and I am vocal about it. Everyone that knows me, knows I love big ladies. Before I retired, occasionally an associate would make the mistake of trying to make fun of me for it, they eneded up being humiliated everytime. My go to was accusing them of having SPS, when I explained because of SPS they could not handle a big lady, everyone laughed and made fun of that person. The rest of the associates decided I was not the one to be messed with. I was not at the meeting where it was decided that large ladies were not pretty. Was not there when it was decided they could not wear bikinis. I don't let others dictate what I like. My almost 400 pound wife, wears her bikini and guys are always trying to hang around her. She has plenty of admirers. Don't be ashame, stand up and be proud. Ladies, confidence is the most sexy thing you can be, it certainly works for my wife. Men find her sexy and hot.

TOTALLY agree. Btw what is SPS?

small penis syndrome, lol
3 years

Needing some motivation to gain

Message me on Snapchat or kik, I am out of messages!😌
i did!
6 years

Searching for a friend to motivate me

i currently am a 5'11 and 110 pound female, i need to gain! but i would like to have an experienced friend to help me through that process/ motivate me. message me if interested!
6 years

Needing some motivation to gain

I currently weigh 110 (really underweight for my height, 5'11) and i really wanted to start gaining for the sexual aspect of it, not sure if i should proceed and looking for some motivation (:
6 years