Midwest crew

Morbidly A Beast:
Mn here myself! Yeah the fair would be alot of fun! Cept the walking bit hehe

We just need to bring our own scooters lol it’ll be fineee

Like a parade of scooters...
Anyone else out at the Fair this fine Friday? It's finally cooling off!
8 months

"fat moments"

Experienced a handful of 'fat moments' this summer of varying degrees, especially since my weights fluxuated recently.
Many of them in the workplace and I'm usually the first to chuckle at my own misfortunes...
Accidently hip checked a coworker whom then careened herself across the break room like she'd been bounced, us and half a dozen others got a good laugh. The other day a chair fell behind door and I was too big to squeeze through gap and boss had to slip in and pick it up so door would open. She also likes to point out that years ago I fit through vent in office door whenever she locked keys inside (often) nothing like a little B&E in workplace. Shocked a couple dozen people during meeting when I rather effortlessly hopped up on to countertop, balancing on one knee, to reach napkins on top shelf.

Two of these were on the same day, stopped by for visit at Dad's work and chatted with his longtime boss and others in the office. Just catching up, hung out for a bit before going on nature walk with sister and nieces. Spent most the afternoon playing in a tiny stream and muddy sand pits. Rinsing off feet I sat on a low rock to get a sock and shoe on then stood to rinse other foot and tried not to get it sandy again... I can just barely don socks standing but need something to lean on, wall, arm of couch, edge of bed. Standing there I raised my foot a couple times near low rock at waters edge, (can't get foot wet again) so I turn to sister and say hold me.
She took me very literally wrapping her arms around middle as I leaned on her for balance, successfully don sock. Is this good? Umm, yes I feel very secure.
Should have just told her to brace herself, all I really needed was something steady to lean against. Later same evening Dad informs me that boss made concerned comment how big I've gotten past couple years.

Had a very open discussion with best friend recently and asked her honest opinions when she noticed I've been looking a bit rounder. Also ran into someone from high school I see occasionally, earned an up and down lingering look, like damn, she keeps growing Everytime. Noticing more looks in general that I've never really experienced before... Also feeling heavy, less nimble and just can't walk as fast as I used to or get up as easy.
8 months

Body goals, not weight goals

I am always conscious of how much my belly protrudes and low it hangs, how some stationary objects in everyday life interact. Like a latch on gate that once grazed below then brushed underside of gut and now buries into flub below my bellybutton. Countertops, table, lower cabinet doors, low railing my belly currently brushes. Pinching on edge of desk, how many stairs are obscured, and underwear, touching steering wheel when braking, now kissing.

Trying on old clothes is always a treat. Also what the underhang will hold starting with pens and markers way back when, hides a pack of cigarettes, will hold an empty soda can, almost has enough weight to pin a full. Hide a 20oz bottle... Goal is a whole 2 liter.
My own hands make fair measurements of growth, use to be able to touch the crease with fingertips with thumb in bellybutton now can't quite curl under fat roll. Reaching beyond lowest curve, soon won't be able to cup in my palm anymore. Going to miss that when I'm grabbing the sides in order to lift for proper rinse in shower.

Future goal is to one day strain myself reaching bellybutton to poke with finger and jiggle. Nevermind being able to touch the flub hanging below let alone easily reach underneath. Got about length of my hand from wrist to fingertips to grow. Other goals include belly plopping on floor between thighs when doing stretches. Filling sink, bounce and sway against thighs, someday fill my lap.
8 months

Boyfriend becoming hostile towards my weight gain

I don't believe it's cheating tbh, deep down I think he's just a little lost when it comes to the relationship and accepting change. I'm the first person he's dated after all. But I do feel he also doesn't know how to handle/accept a partners sexual preferences, and in all fairness to him. Wanting to get fat is something rather strange to people outside the community[/quote]

Strange or not you deserve respect, he is entitled to his personal preferences but that doesn't excuse being an ass about your weight. Depending on your height doesn't sound like you've even gained that much yet.

Pure speculation, but societal pressure alone could be causing some feelings of insecurity that he's not sure how to handle. Or won't allow himself to admit, and maybe authentically experience the plus sides to your new curves, causing this hostility.
In the end you need to be true to yourself and what makes you happy, if he is reacting this way now... How will he feel in another 10 20 or even 50 pounds?

Give him some time and space then if he can't have an open honest conversation about his feelings or how you both might reach a compromise... You sadly might need to cut your losses and move on. Best of luck.
8 months

So i feel my tummy is getting bigger my weight on scale is going up

I've got more stretch marks, and I feel my tummy is getting bigger. I feel softer, but I've been at 275 for the last few months.

My scale doesn't go higher, but I look fatter when I look in the mirror.

I have experienced very similar changes despite my weight staying exactly the same for most the past year or so. Like a delayed gain months after I initially hit 270+ but scale didn't budge. Guessing my body just took a bit longer to accumulate\distribute the fat I'd gained. Tape measure confirmed and marked another notch, belly sagged a bit more too.

Now a recent fluctuation has changed shape and much softer (consistency) now jello. Lost about 8 to 11 pounds from April to June and noticed my belly hung a little more, deflated like. Had multiple people mention it looked like I'd actually gained a little weight, asked my best friend and sister outright opinions. Was down about 9 pounds then. Both confirmed I looked softer and that belly droop more.

Been working hard to get back over 270 past month or so. Now 272 and belly is not quite the same compared to this spring. Softer, wobbly and sways a little when I walk now. Also have a ton fresh stretch marks despite gaining back weight accidently lost. Just my experience.
8 months

Midwest crew

Twin Cities area.
Anyone else looking forward to the great MN get together. We should try and get a group together for the State Fair, do an all day fried food crawl?
8 months

Midwest crew

Twin Cities area.
Anyone else looking forward to the great MN get together. We should try and get a group together for the State Fair, do an all day fried food crawl?
8 months

Painting your toes - bbw/ssbbw struggles

This is where slumber party culture comes in handy later in life πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ get the girls together for some self care and good times, keep the alcohol flowing. Trouble is convincing your bestie to clip your nails or do full pedicures lol

I got a hangnail on left pinky toe (righty) and bad ankles, it's a bitch. Right foot slightly more accessible and fairly flexible but struggle is real. Shaving legs is rough too, recently found it harder to get tops thighs as my hangs lower.
8 months

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

quit nicotine around Thanksgiving, by February or March I was sporting a nice extra 30ilbs

How did you manage to quit? I have quit smoking for a few months here and there but it hasn't stuck. I want the weight gain and easier breathing benefits badly. Can't seem to put the smokes down especially when I'm driving.

I am attempting the same. Was doing really good for a couple my months, cut down by half and then half again... Major willpower, and hours or torment B4 allowing myself a half cigarette. Only 4 a day then back to my old habits. Actually using weight gain side effects as incentive while not overheating on purpose or replace as another vice. Now I'm starting from scratch and it's hard... Going to need patches this time, just can't fathom going cold turkey.

20 or 30 pounds as a consequence is just icing on the cake. Hope to quit and hit a milestone or two next by the fall season
8 months

Going swimming when you've gained weight!

I basically float now, only tested once this summer and can't wait to get in the water again. Boyant enough to hold completely still for a solid minute, and not sink below the neck. Hardly any effort to stay afloat compared to summers past.

Achievement Unlocked πŸ˜‰

Also love the heavy almost weak knees feeling when you get out of pool or lake after spending time up to your chest in water. Long enough to forget how heavy you actually are, this surprised me on vacation a few years ago. Weighs you down
9 months
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