Dark web stories

Would LOVE to read them!!!
6 years

What all pm services do you use?

YIM here. I'm NOT a techie.

I didn't think anyone still used Yahoo.

Yep! 😁
6 years

What all pm services do you use?

YIM here. I'm NOT a techie.
6 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

I can do 12 easy, 2 larges with work.
6 years

Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed In RL
Yes, 2 dates
2. Ate myself to sleep
Yes, few times
3. Had sex while being fed at the same time
Yes, 2 times
4. Stolen food because I�m just a piggy
Oh yes, LOL
5. Been called a fat name in public
Yes I have
6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly
7. Been fatter than my current weight
Nope, keep gaining
8. Ripped clothes or popped a button
Yes I have
9. Broken furniture because of my weight
A chair At work.
10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on
11. Fantasized about immobility
Yes, more lately
12. Ate until I threw up
13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size
Not yet
14. Posted nudes of myself online
NO. Not that self assured yet
15. Been fed online
16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member
Oh HELL YES! Mom all the time
17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat
Do dates count?
18. Started rubbing my belly in public
19. Been called a pig
Yes, a lady muttered it under her breath the other day
20. Been weighed and measured by my partner
No smiley
21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer
No but sounds like fun!
6 years

What is the worst thing about being obese?

Finding clothes in my size I actually want to wear and body pain. Other then that being fat is great!!!

I agree! Have to shop online and it is hit or miss on sizes. Feet hurt if I'm on my feet too long. Legs ache more after walking.
6 years

What is the worst thing about being obese?


I suggest moving to the Des Moines, Iowa area. Our doctors are very fluffy friendly. Iowans in general are fluffy friendly.

I agree. Doctors here are much better!
6 years

Out of breath (detail)

Sunday, I went with a friend to a new outlet mall near us. First time in a LONG time I did a lot of walking. WHEW!!! It did me in. I had to rest to catch my breath a few times. Ended up waiting for my friend in the food court area! 😁. Thank GOD for fudge, cookies and ice cream is all I can say!
6 years
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