Passengers requiring extra space ~

The government can honestly go to Hell in the matter unless it owns the company of course. If it' a privately owned company I don't see how it's anyone elses business but the person who owns it to do what he/she wants to do with it. They are only losing money if they discriminate, unless those who discriminate don't care enough to do anything about it such as boycott and letting people know what that place is doing to discriminate againest them.
15 years

I need help convincing my wife

I feel bad..
We kinda gave him the last response he thought he'd get haha..
Honestly I'm all for it and think it'd work out fine with the sex and all. I just think you have to put to thought what she wants too and work something out
15 years

I need help convincing my wife

Whoa guys, thats totally not what I ment. I'm not dissing on fat guys, everyone has their own tastes. I'm just saying maybe she loves the way he is now and just doesn't want to hurt his feelings about him getting fat...or she just likes the attention of being "the feedee"
15 years

I need help convincing my wife

Well, does she really honestly like you bigger or is she just saying that? I mean, maybe she likes you for what you are now and doesn't want to loose her status as "the feedee"
15 years

Favorite tv shows?

I'm going to name shows I still watch and shows that aren't on anymore :[

Rocko's Modern Life
South Park
Aqua teen hunger force
The Venture Bros.
Breaking Bad
Whitest Kids You Know
Ren and Stimpy (old ones)
Batman the Animated Series
Batman Beyond
Ninja Turtles

Uh, thats all I can think of D:
15 years