Seeking a female feeder

Age - 19

Weight - 345

Upper limit - N/A

Height - 6 ' 3 ( last time I checked )

Belly - 63 inches sitting down

Chest 50 inches ( from nipple level )

Upper Belly - 51 inches sitting down

Upper thigh - 30 inches sitting down

Experience - Little to none

Goal - Until I feel like my stomach is fat enough, or until I am physically unable to gain any more ( depending on various situations )

Willingness to move - Can't, I'm in college sorry :/

Willingness to do online - I can do online, but not the fake encouraging shit, I need someone who wants to help contribute to the blubber, not sit on the sidelines and say "eat fatty!"

Willingness to show that I'm a feedee - You send me food, I'll take a picture of the food after I eat, and give you the option of seeing me eating it, I could give a shit less about using the money for personal objects, I need to gain, I want to gain, and it's hard to do it on a college student fund.

Quirks - I dont personally enjoy the term pig, I prefer cow more, cows have more stomachs, they can eat more imo, and yeah. It is my first time keep that in mind

Contact info -
I have skype as well, but idk where my actual contact thing is so PM me for it or whatever
5 years

Stuffing advice

I enjoy the pain/pleasure of gorging, but if I need to ease the pressure some I stand and sort of sway from side to side.

I can second this, I don't know why but standing up does seem to help out a lot
5 years

Who here likes to be naked?

Naked as much as possible! Hoping to get to the point where you cant tell if Im naked or not!
5 years

Fupa questions

Currently weighing roughly 330, my Fupa tends to cover the entire thing when sitting, granted i'm a grower, but still, when sitting down it basically goes inside like a turtle's head. When I have to pee I generally tend to sit down, unless the rooms warm at which point I'll stand, but if it's cold i usually have to dig him out
5 years

Not into the whole 'pig' thing?

I don't mind humiliation from time to time, but I don't like being called a pig, I feel they're too small, a cow maybe
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

The Ultimate gainer (the fat lover)
You are a gainer because you simply love fat, it is this deep inexplicable attachment to being fat that turns you on like nothing else does. You want to be as big as possible and probably have fantasies about being the fattest person on earth. You love how blubbery you get the more you grow fatter, you enjoy every little change you witness in your body from the way your belly jiggles when you get down the stairs, to how you get out of breath when you do anything to not being able to tie your shoes anymore. You are looking for someone to enjoy your growing journey with you and be as excited about your fat as you are.
5 years

Examples for huge gain weight?

I gained about 40 pounds in a month, and hjope to get to 400 soon, but have been stuck at 310

Original weight was 220 haha
5 years

Fantastically speaking ... how fat would you be?

If we're going into fantasy land here, I want to be able to crush houses, the sky's the limit, especially in fantasy land haha
5 years

Gaining starter pack!

Why the pie filling? Does it make for a good stuffing thing? Or is this just for making pies haha
5 years

Air pump

Well I mean in essence the end that pumps out the gas goes up his rear, he keeps going till he hits his time to stop, then lets his stomach relax.

Thats the shortened version of it at least haha
5 years
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