Advice please!!

Well I kept my feeder/feedee preference a secret for a long time in my relationship. But I should of been more upfront early on. I broke the ice with my wife while being intimate and it turned out she really gets off on the idea of being my feeder.

So just be honest with him and give lots of belly rubs. I'm sure the idea will grow on him. Lol

How much weight do you want to put on him?
4 years

Heavy cream question

I started 3 Monday�s ago... it will sneak up like on the scale or on my body??

Thanks for all the comments. I've noticed that with my regular fatty diet my belly grows nice and round but the scale moves slowly. I'm just trying to intensify my gaining to the next level.

Dairy products really make me grow rounder.
5 years

Heavy cream question

Has anyone really consumed a quart of heavy cream nightly for a week or two before bed?

And did you receive any decent fat gains or scale gains from it?

I'm interested in trying it with ice cream if it really works.
5 years

Made the big time?

Congratulations on the gain!
5 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

I'm really digging your updates Bigbutt. It's kinda funny in the beginning you just were noticing her gain but now are really encouraging it. Why are you so apprehensive? Why dont you open the conversation a little more and both set a goal weight?
5 years

How fat would you like to be?

Well I personally like the idea of a minimum of 250ish. But my wife is a great feeder and promised me a costco half sheet cake saying happy 300 pounds when I hit that weight. So I'm figuring on slowing down at 300 to 325.
5 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

3/4 of an extra large and I'm filling out the booth at the pizza parlor.
5 years

Warnings gaining maybe addicting

Not so much 'addicting', but once the gain has started it's hard to stop it rolling on regardless.

Once committed to really gain my appetite grew and my wife really gets off on buying me larger clothes and gets rid of the stuff that fits. So if I stop gaining I dont have any smaller clothes. Lol

I do the same thing to my husband!!!!

You're doing a great job helping him grow. I dont like wearing baggy clothes so I dont have an option but to gain more and get rewarded.
5 years

A question for the feedees?

How would you feel if your feeder started using sex as positive/negative reinforcement for your gaining, as in, stopping having sex until you reach a certain weight
Is it hot or is it just emotional abuse?

Sounds like emotional/sexual blackmailing to me.

I have noticed the larger I become the more sexually I get rewarded. That's fun of course, but punished, that would be uncool....
5 years

Warnings gaining maybe addicting

Not so much 'addicting', but once the gain has started it's hard to stop it rolling on regardless.

Once committed to really gain my appetite grew and my wife really gets off on buying me larger clothes and gets rid of the stuff that fits. So if I stop gaining I dont have any smaller clothes. Lol
5 years