Do any guys want a female body ?

Not a guy (non-binary/maybe trans?), but this thought has crossed my mind quite a few times. Like, does the idea of having a fat body not appeal to me, or is it the idea of having a fat, 'male' body that doesn't appeal to me? If I eventually transition, would I want to look more like the femme people I'm attracted to, or would I still want to stay slim? I honestly don't know the answer to those questions - kinda interesting to think about.
6 years

Ways of getting over heartbreak

Very much depends on the kind of person you are, I think, but I tend to cope best with tough times when I throw myself into something productive. A hobby, picking up a new skill, etc. Distract yourself and better yourself at the same time, y'know?

Given the sort of site we're on, I think you'll also get a fair few people preaching the virtues of comfort eating smiley
6 years

So what games are you playing?

Counting down the days till I get paid so I can get the new XCOM 2 expansion.

Probably going to suck at it just as badly as I did with the base game, just in new and exciting ways smiley
6 years

Has anyone found themselves encouraging another to gain weight?

I encourage my current, and quite plump, girlfriend to eat and grow fatter. She likes being able to turn me on with it but is otherwise uninterested which makes me a bit sad. All that being said I completely support her losing weight.

I'm in a similar boat. I feel like if it turns out your partner isn't into gaining, them being fine with you talking about it and them occasionally using it to turn you on is pretty much the next best thing.
6 years

Gaining when you don't like food

Two suggestions (with the caveat that I'm no expert):

a. Strategic food choices - if you're only having normal sized meals, make sure they're made up of calorie-dense stuff!

b. Ease yourself into it - if you go from normal meal size to stuffing your face out of nowhere, you'll probably feel like crap, but if you push your limit a little at each meal your capacity will most likely increase.
6 years
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