
That sounds amazing bro. I volunteer
4 months

Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?

I think it's because people see FAT as unhealthy. Which in some cases it's true. People making them fat for their on pleasure isn't the norm. I think society sees someone thats obese or on my 600lb life is lazy and has no self control when it comes to diet and exercise or just in general a healthy well being.

In my opinion fat acceptance and body positive is important
4 months

Central pennsylvania

That would be exciting!! I'm game. I'm in Allentown,
5 months

Weight gain effect on job/career

Towards the end of my enlistment in the military was gained about 30-40lbs and you could clearly see my uniforms getting snug and tight. It gotten to the point where I couldn't button the top button on my pants. At the point I really didn't care because I was getting out soon.

But the looks and comments I would get from fellow service members was crazy. People did treat me differently after packing on the pounds, I was even given a desk job and was less in the public eye because I didn't look healthy in uniform.

The military is very strict when it comes to fitness but after passing my last fitness test, I just let go until my last day.
11 months

Nyc meetup

I would be down. I'm in Allentown PA, easy drive over
1 year

Pennsylvania (east coast)

Any gainers, feeders or feedees in eastern PA, western NJ or philly area? Looking for some new restaurants to try.
4 years

Anyone in philadelphia?

I'm ideally looking for a mutual gaining relationship, but I'd also be happy either just being fed or just feeding someone.

In Allentown PA bro,
4 years