My preference for body size has gotten bigger over time

I know exactly what you mean. For me my attracton for larger and larger has increased as time has gone on. Unfortunately most women never reach the very high weights ( which is understandable ). But as we know there are some ladies of true size.
2 years

Opinion on moles / beauty spots ?

Best to get moles that change looked at.
2 years

Fat or thin faces?

My personal preference for a woman is a very fat face with a huge double chin or multiple chins. Also i like rolls of fat at the back of the neck.
3 years


Time and more time, you will be surprised.
4 years

Recommended liquid

Coke is very fattening indeed, but i fear the gas in it through a funnel could be very uncomfortable if not dangerous. There are many alternatives depending on how you exactly want to gain weight. Milk for example. You will have to decide against risk and pleasure. Then find your beverages.
5 years

Ban on energy drinks

The energy drink thing is about school kids consuming multiple cans of high caffeine and sugar drinks. Some energy drinks contain 3 times more caffeine than a can of coca cola. Also over ten spoons of sugar. So if anyone thinks it's a good idea for children to be consuming 40 or more tea spoons of sugar a day including foods containing sugar then you must be as mad as president Trump. These drinks are also very cheap . So I think the health of our children is important. These drinks also have zero nutritional value. Caffeine in these quantities increases heart rate, can cause behaviour issues and sleep problems. Parents cannot stop there children buying this stuff before or after school. So a ban has been proposed, but the age limit has not been set yet. This law will not effect adults. Also as for freedom of speech I can say more or less anything I like. Also I have the right to protest. I personally have been on a march to Downing Street. I found the police in attendance to be fine. On a side note my son's friend was extremely drunk and got separated from my son and friends. There was concern for his safety. This lad was in his late teens. He was eventually found by the police asleep by the side of a busy road. The police simply just took him home. The police here have a duty of care to the public. Also as a Englishman this country in the past has done some terrible things. But I feel today I live in possibly one of the most civilised countries in the world. Also I found myself in a situation where I was dying. I cannot thank the NHS enough for there fast response and taking me to a specialist unit. Where a surgeon and his team were waiting for my arrival. Britain is not perfect but it's also a really ok place to live.
5 years


fat sandy:
I was 399. Now I am a fat 450 lbs pig 🐖 now
How fantastic! You must look amazing.
5 years

At what point does a feeder become uninterested...

Well I openly admit to being a feeder encourager. I personally have no upper limit to the size of my partner and would happily see her immobile and for me to become her carer. But it is not my body and my health, nor is it my life's decision to control or put another human beings every day life into a situation that she is not fully 100% happy with. So if and when she reaches her personal limit, then that has to be final. That is where love and respect becomes a full loving honest relationship.
5 years

At what point does a feeder become uninterested...

Well I openly admit to being a feeder encourager. I personally have no upper limit to the size of my partner and would happily see her immobile and for me to become her carer. But it is not my body and my health, nor is it my life's decision to control or put another human beings every day life into a situation that she is not fully 100% happy with. So if and when she reaches her personal limit, then that has to be final. That is where love and respect becomes a full loving honest relationship.
5 years

This weekend

I imagine nobody noticed. So no major reaction. But if you continue gaining weight and cross the line to a heavier weight maybe 20 stone (280 lbs) or more then people will watch every mouth full. You and many other people have heard the comments..... lol. No wonder she's fat ect ect. Just enjoy life in my opinion listen to what you like to hear ignore what you do not like.
6 years
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