Hottest. idea. ever.

same here, tell us the issue please
3 months

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

The social gainer (the poking magnet)
You are a special kind of gainers, you do want to be fat but you mostly get off on the attention it brings you, you LOVE it when people comment on your weight, and you don’t mind them touching , patting and poking your belly around. That’s why you like eating out and shocking people with the amount of food that you can eat. in a relationship you get off on being teased and told how much of a piggy you have been while being made to eat more. You're may or may not be completely submissive but when it comes to being fat you crave all the attention it gets you even if its slightly negative.
1 year

Feeding gf game

Just interested in any results you got out of the question?
3 years