Male looking for female atlanta


I live north of Atlanta. I do want to find a girl who would want to explore feederism with. A date or stuffing season will be fine.
8 years

What kind of person do you like? [match making]

1) straight. Don't really WANa experiment ha.

2) I admire fat girls. But love chubby and pear, but don't mind being a feeder. At same time I love eating food and stuffing til I can't move.

3) last check I was 242. Lost / losing some weight for my roommates wedding. I'd love to know what it's like to be huge but may not want to be that way forever. Just to experience it.
8 years

Gaining weight make you happier?

Hey all
Personally I've gone through times where I'm like yes to gaining and enjoying it. Than to a point where I'm like man I need to lose weight.

I was wondering about other people if gaining really made you happy or not? Or if youve been on and off.

What's your story?
8 years

Body anxiety

I can relate. Heck I go through phases of wanting to eat a lot and wanting to diet. It's not easy when so many people parade the so called perfect body. Heck girls get picky with guys as much as they are with girls. It's a challenge but know your not alone.
8 years

Chatting up a big guy?

I'd say don't bring up a guys weight. Heck of he's big than he's got some insecurities. Don't be too forceful or drolly because he manly think its a prank or fat shame. I'd say like anything else talk like a normal person. Ask interests and such. If you start a bit light n go heavy it'll make him feel like one of a kind.
8 years

Game | find the lie :)

1. One time I believed I had some pyshic powers, made psi balls and knew some information that was never told to me. I never told my family or friends

2. I can sing heavy metal, scream, and made three songs.

3. I jumped the fence at the zoo and wrestled with a tiger
9 years

Should i continue?

I know how you feel man. I used to be in same boat. Find out the reason for confliction first. Like why so you enjoy it and why are you disliking it. But you personally can still eat and be active. If your active you will burn fat. I'd say try keeping current weight but enjoy it
9 years

So what games are you playing?

WoW. Destiny, n endless legends. Awesome game endless legends.
9 years
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