10lb. challenge!

Cupkake wrote:
As requested, here is my update--

I HAVE gained 5 lbs. this past week and a half! Very, very excited to see a new dimple in my chin and very noticeably in my thighs. More to come :-)

Congrats. Nice, you've reach your first goal. Up to the next. Enjoy all that food! smiley
12 years

10lb. challenge!

Cupkake wrote:
degek2001 wrote:

Good luck. If you work hard on your gain you'll gain 20 lbs in 1 month. smiley

<3 Henk

Holy moly your profile picture turns me on...

Wow, if my profile picture you turns on... Thank you...smiley
12 years

The wall test

bignbeautiful wrote:
i have a picture of this, but i have a way to go yet- I've got pretty long legs

Lovely pic of the floortest. I like your full tummy. It's not a long way to go. smiley Just eat and it will be happen smiley

But thank you very much for sharing your Experience. I like your round tummy.

<3 Henk
12 years

The wall test

bignbeautiful wrote:
No chance at reaching smiley smiley

Congrats, you've reached a milestone. Next one: the floortest: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/infusions/forum/view-thread.php
12 years

I love women's apron bellies

I am a bellylover. I like curvy and full belly girls. I am impressed by big bellies. Mmmm. I've my own bellyblog (in dutch), every week another belly... mooidik.blogspot.com/p/alle-buikblogs.html
12 years

Measuring up

Like most measurement of belly and upperarms are also very sexy. And measurements of belly - breasts and hips for proportions.
12 years

Weightgain competition!

Tubbytom99 wrote:
Competition begins on 16th April. Contestants must submit a picture of them on the scales showing how much they way, along with body shots.

The contest who gains the most from their starting weight wins.

I like your Idea, but what is the Prize? And is it a Competition for feeders or feedee's?
12 years

10lb. challenge!

I am very curious about your experience after 1 week. You'd need to grow 5 lbs last week. And?

I think also the yo-yo-diet does very well on everybody. On the other way. You'll gain if you eat a lot. It means you'll eat the whole day and you need to stuff yourself moretimes a day.

Good luck. If you work hard on your gain you'll gain 20 lbs in 1 month. smiley

<3 Henk
12 years

Weight gain progression photos

kellilyn88 wrote:
Wonderful jobs on the weight gain! here is mine, sadly because of how I am positioned in the picture it's hard to see the gain, but trust me, i don't find it what i am wearing in the non-dress one. lol smiley

Mmm, I like big bellies in dresses. Sure you've gained very well. Specially tummy! Hot. <3 Henk
12 years

Weight gain progression photos

So hot your gain Kittykat92. I am impressed. Lovely round tummy and very hot breasts. Mmmm. Sweety! <3 Henk
12 years
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