
22.3 apparently, all glorious 158-160 lbs of me! I feel slightly bigger though after thanksgiving ugh. Oh well running on Monday.
11 years

Consider yourself a geek/dork?

Hard to say. I would say nerd because of all my inclinations with technology, math, and science, but then again I am studying to be a computer programmer, and am huge computer enthusiast/gamer plus an artist so it's hard to determine.
11 years

Video games

bearded unholy goldfish wrote:
AnnaBBW wrote:
I'm forever playing Left 4 Dead (1&2) as they're my favourites.. A bit of zombie killage is always good smiley

hmm thats a good idea i was going to play dead rising in celebrating zombie month but that might work better

+2. Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 are some kind of awesome. They need like a World of Dead or something. Like the walking dead. That would be cool.
11 years

Skinny and depressed

(Sigh. OK /angry rant mode off) In all seriousness though... I think if you were trying to gain weight your best bed would be just to eat more, but couple it with the following: When you do eat wait til the end of the day and then preferably right before you go to sleep eat a whole lot. The inactivity, while in partial starvation mode, combined with complete lack of use of those calories will probably exacerbate weight gain. I also recall reading some research online about how drinking a lot diuretics with sugar and HFCS can cause also accelerate it. It has something to do with how the simple sugars cause Leptin inhibition, effectively slowing down the metabolism while causing the body to hold onto or hoard calories more so than usual. That's why soda can cause weight gain so easily. The only thing wrong with that though is it "could" theoretically set you up to become pre-diabetic. HFCS and sugar in general does strange things to the body's biochemistry. I would highly recommend using more natural food to do it though. You can be and should be healthy about getting fat. Also Reverse understand that it takes time to change one's weight (either lose or gain). I took me almost 2 1/2 months to both gain and lose 30 lbs so if you keep at it eventually you will get there.
11 years

Skinny and depressed

reverseanorexic wrote:
I am currently 5'8, 105lb and depressed. Ugh, I hate being skinny. To be skinny is about the ugliest and worst thing a person can be. The irony is I must be the least anorexic woman on the planet. I hate skinny people and everything associated with being skinny, like being small, weak etc. I cannot stand being called skinny anymore. I want to be percieved as plump, chubby, luscious and voluptous, even FAT, blubbery. I want everyone to say how fat I am and how much weight I've gained. I want to gain at least 150lb. But eating is such a chore. I am constantly trying to gain weight, but it seems I just don't have the self discipline - I'm too lazy.

Does anyone know of any good ultra strong appetite stimulants?

ReverseAnorexic I kind of take offense to these statements. I understand that FantasyFeeder is supposed to be a celebration of people with larger body types, but even still. Such a statement is uncalled for. What of the hundreds, if not thousands of FAs and FFAs out there who are thin and their fat partners who find them attractive? To say such things doesn't help the cause of the website, the size acceptance movement, or FAs, bbws, BHMs, in general either. I'm sorry you feel that way, but you should seriously think about others before you post such hate; and I'll leave it at that.
11 years

When did the bar drop ....

Gingersnaps wrote:
y2kboris1 wrote:
[quote]Gingersnaps wrote:
[quote]y2kboris1 wrote:
Also Gary man I'm not making fun of you or anything/being snarky but I am pretty sure it is "incompetency".

Nope. It's incompetence.

Fair enough; but if you look at:


they're just variants of the same word.

Incompetence is the correct word in this instance. Incompetency might be correct if you were referring to someone's lack of competence in a medical or legal sense.smiley

I see; touche'd.

Would that be something akin to...

"They are so incompetent!" versus,
"His incompetency as an engineer caused the transformer to blow up." kind of idea?
11 years

When did the bar drop ....

Gingersnaps wrote:
[quote]y2kboris1 wrote:
Also Gary man I'm not making fun of you or anything/being snarky but I am pretty sure it is "incompetency".

Nope. It's incompetence.

Fair enough; but if you look at:


they're just variants of the same word.

Maimee wrote:
Being poor at maths does NOT make you stupid or incompetent. I'm intelligent and capable in plenty of ways, but never has numeracy been a forte of mine. It pisses me off to no end when people think there's only one way to be smart, and that it's with numbers.

I wholeheartedly agree. I am OK at math, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. I think my biggest with it is the lack of exposure to it. When I was in high school I never got the opportunity to study any advanced math past Algebra II. Right now I'm taking Technical Math 102 in school and actually thus far the experience has been pleasant. I think the problem is so many people approach math, like it's some sort of mystical, magical, dark art. It easy when you think about it more sequentially, as a series of steps that need to be done one after another. I think that and figuring the parsing in math is the other challenge many have; but I think that might also be the reason why some have a hard time with grammar, because they can't discern whether something exactly sounds right or not the way they've typed it out. I am far more visually-spatially intelligent though, and my friends give me shit because whenever we played Minecraft I leave them behind in the dust and explore a cave system without using landmarks and they're always perplexed how I find my way back home or to base without getting lost or killed lol.
11 years

When did the bar drop ....

I think you just answered your own question right there lol. I don't think it's so much people are getting worse at basic grammar and spelling. I think it's partially because everyone is using cellphones,smartphones, iPhones, tablets, and what not that in the attempt to type messages real fast while on the go people basically butcher the English language. Not everyone I imagine uses a computer to look at the internet. Also Gary man I'm not making fun of you or anything/being snarky but I am pretty sure it is "incompetency". Also the OP wrote:

Scotty doesnt know wrote:
So the other day I was running late to work so I stopped at a burner king for a veggie burg and fries. I pull up the drive window and the lady tells me it's 5.20 so I give her eleven dollars. I wanted a five back. Unfortunately for me the lady at the window couldn't figure out the change, the next employee couldn't and finally the manger of the store was perplexed .... I'm not trying to knock work at fast food restaurants , I worked my way through college at a convenience gas station. I just wanted to know when I'd the bar drop in our culture and do anyone ut there see any other examples smiley

... where I think what he/she meant to say was:

So the other day I was running late to work so I stopped at a burner king for a veggie burg and fries. I pull up the drive window and the lady tells me it's 5.20 so I give her eleven dollars. I wanted a five back. Unfortunately for me the lady at the window she couldn't figure out the change. The next employee couldn't either, so finally the manger of the store was perplexed .... I'm not trying to knock those who work at a fast food restaurant, because I worked at one to pay my way through college and at a convenience store/gas station as well. I just wanted to know when the bar was lowered in our culture and does anyone have any other examples/experiences of this?

(The bold are mine: corrections/suggestions). So ya Scotty your message was clear enough but hey whose counting right? People use shorthand all the time. Then again some of us work all day and if your hurriedly working at your job, but want to share a profound thought people shouldn't really think much less of it; it's just the nature of the beast.
11 years

Tvo chubby chaser documentary

Can't seem to access it. Is it region restricted for certain dates of release?
11 years

Pc gaming nerds pls <3

SC2, L4D2, Minecraft, and a little of the new Tribes and Killing Floor.
11 years
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