Do you always like yourself?

Wannabe Princess wrote:
I think its important to remember, that even if you were thin - you probably wouldn't like yourself 100% of the time.

Confidence is hard especially when you start comparing yourself to others. But you are the best YOU that you can be, and so there is no need to compare yourself to others.

However statements like this make me sad:
Hoglet wrote:
My problem is that sometimes I am confident and feel sexy being big. However I am only big for my partner.
I just think if my boyfriends happy with my size then I should be.
I am jealous of those who are pretty and big cuz I don't feel beautiful at this size.

Be who you want to be, not what anyone else wants you to be.

If YOU want to be big then that is fine, but you shouldn't be big for someone else... I don't pretend to know your relationship, or want to make a judgement but changing your body for someone else is not the ideal - Be who you want to be not what anyone else wants you to be.

You are beautiful but if you only look that way because of someone else then I can imagine it would be hard to accept yourself...

Sorry I don't mean to sound like I am judging, I am sure your relationship is fantastic and great in so many ways... but you should only do what you want to your body, not what you think someone else wants...
THIS! soo this. Thanks WannabePrincess. Sooo many times my friends, fellow Marines, and even family have given me shit about being thin. It's unpleasant having people tell you your soo small and that you should work out more, and gain weight by simply eating more. I like myself the way I am and I wish there were more people who would accept my type. I find myself fretting over how I look just as much from time to time.
11 years

Video games

Finally beat Mass Effect III (what in the world was up with the quackjob ending!?). Recently downloaded the Black Mesa Source mod for Half-Life 2, Basically it recreates all of original Half Life using the HL2 engine so enhanced physics, AI, graphics, takes advantage of the physics engine to make everything more interactive, all in all pretty amazing. That and I started to play the new AVP. Pretty good so far.
11 years

Type of feeder preferred?

I'm probably the caretaker type. I like to please others, and it's delight to make their day better by pampering them. Sensual feeding with a mix of more traditional type activities, like back rubbing or in general being nice to my girl.
11 years

Question for all...

Absolutely nothing. I hate McDonalds and all fast food in general. I would rather just starve. If I HAD to eat out Subway FTW.
11 years

Skinny nerds who luv big girls

I think I already posted before, but hey there again teeny. Fellow skinny nerd here, if a bit salty.
11 years

An interesting article i found

supermango wrote:
There is so much misinformation in here.

Body composition, and fat storage, is generally calories in - calories out

Thats it. No wizardry, no mysteries.

Now, you may get fat as a house on 2000 calories per day, and I might turn into skin and bones. That is a completely different story, that is just your genetic makeup, predisposition to fat storage, and what your metabolism is like.

There is a magic number out there for everyone to maintain their current weight. It might be 1200 calories per day, or it might be 6000. But rest assured, there is an actual number.

If you said to me "but, I am just genetically obese". You wouldnt be if we did the math to find your break even point and worked from there.

I have coached many friends and family members etc to lose weight. I've lost 60+ lbs before myself.

If you hired a coach to help you do a fitness competition or show, it would be all centered around math, not voodoo and genetics lol

SuperMango I don't think anyone is debating whether or not you can gain or lose weight if you adjust your metabolism consciously. I think what they (and Oni) were trying to say is that everyone has a genetic predisposition to be a certain weight whether thin or fat. The thing is the more you try and fight mother nature, the more she'll rear her ugly head. So if you want to keep your extra weight or lose weight you don't want it takes added, concerted, conscious effort and self control to adhere to the diet you need to attain the body type you want.
11 years

Your other interests?

I like to work out, run, also enjoy being outdoors (and I frankly don't get enough of it! also the beach). I'm also a computer science major soo many days I'll be tinkering with or just studying/researching about that. I'm an avid online gamer and I love the L4D series as well as Minecraft, two of my favorite addictions. That and I enjoy drawing from time to time.
11 years

What game are you playing?

Finally beat ME3 but what a crappy ending! Everything was awesome right until 10 minutes before the finale. Why would Bioware go to the trouble of creating an immensely complex story with the Mass Effect Series if none of the choices you make affect the end? Also what's up with the Greek tragedy type ending? The only Paragon way to save the world results in you sacrificing yourself. That ain't cool...
11 years

Does everyone....

I've had two since 7th grade middle school, my buddy Charlie and Jay, sooo about since about 1996 (16 years approx). When we were younger we pretty much did everything together, and still do from time to time.

SilverRider wrote:
I know most people only have one best friend, but I have TWOOO, we've known eachother for about 9 years and did all our "firsts" together, grew up together... they are very special to me and even though we all now live in different areas of the country we still make sure we find time for eachother. We're the three musketeers and we're going on holiday together in September smiley I'm a very lucky girl

Lol it's funny you should mention that Silver cause we kinda have a three muskateers thing going as well.
I have other close friends, but not as close as them.
11 years

One moment from your life

Probably the morning back in April right after I pretty much finished bootcamp and we came back from the Crucible. Walking out on the Parade deck at Parris Island, and receiving your EGA(Eagle,globe, and anchor). What a profound sense of accomplishment. We were all kinds of ***ed up. Bruised, tired, hungry, wet, cold. It was a sunny, clear, morning on April 10th.

Either that or the first Sunday in church I met this girl I used to have a crush on during high school.
My God she was pretty, and a fellow red-head...
11 years
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