Where do you work at?

JustinNasty wrote:
y2kboris1 wrote:
In the military stationed over on Okinawa Japan. I'm kinda a computer / communications tech. It sounds more glamorous than it really is. I enjoy it still, nothing like running CAT5 through ventilation shafts.

Dont get me started on CAT5 cable.

I had to fabricate wiring with it on oil rigs, I feel your pain.

But hows Japan looking atm from where you are?
Actually not that bad really. Oki didn't get the brunt of the disaster but it is really up north. Lately we've been having fun assembling antennas built in the early 1980s. Gotta love inventorying.
13 years

Where do you work at?

In the military stationed over on Okinawa Japan. I'm kinda a computer / communications tech. It sounds more glamorous than it really is. I enjoy it still, nothing like running CAT5 through ventilation shafts.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

Kamina wrote
If the only real test that you have to pass is friends or family then I'm screwed. The only girl a hint on the larger side my mom and grandparents met post test date met with something along the lines of moderate to rolling disapproval. Considering my philia has absolutely no obviously feasable root, I'm chocking that one up to irony. Any one else ever find them in a similar boat at one point or another?
All the time! My parents and my grandparents on my Mom's side were all terribly health conscious, (unhealthily so). I can't even begin to think of the number of times my Mom has tried proverbially to hook me up with girls who were on the thinnish side. Not that it's an ultimately determining factor but it's ridiculous how many times; and with so many close friends to the family, and friends from high school, without any fail. They're a prime example of why sometimes you need to take everything your family members tell you with a grain of salt. My Mom means well, but at the same time she struggles with her latest diet, and tries to keep my niece on one as well (she lives with us). I remember my Grandma would always admonish my niece when she was younger not to eat a lot or she would end up fat, but this was when she was 7! When your that young and still growing it is normal for both genders to have an appetite. My Mom still uses the same scare tactics on her today.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

Sorry for joining the discussion so late. I feel the need to chime in given my life experiences. I am actually in the military, and in our community being physically fit is actually really important, if only for a functional reason barring all other variables. A lot (I'd say the vast majority) of my peers talk about bigger women in a terribly disparaging way, it makes me cringe sometimes. In Marine circles the talk often goes off onto sexuality, who you find attractive, why, how, it gets pretty graphic. I am not necessarily afraid to voice my opinion or likes but as stated by other members it would cause a veritable maelstrom if I or anyone else ever mentioned that we find big women attractive. The verbal abuse would probably never end. I have told some in the past, and it got hectic those days. The worst aren't the ***s that make fun of you, the worst are the ones who argue with you about how in the world you can like fat chicks like it's not logical. Most of these days I don't criticize or give people a hard time about their likes and dislikes and they not about mine. Most of my friends from my old unit know my preferences anyways. I guess the point is that it's difficult to convince others that liking someone of a bigger weight is not only normal but acceptable. My friend Mcneese God bless his soul, good kid but IMO wildly misguided in life about many a thing, this kid would have such a disdain for big girls that he would actually go out of his way to disrupt others from scoring. There was another kid in our unit Price I think his name was, he liked big women, and this kid Mcneese actually went OUT of his way to stop him from getting with this girl he liked (who was big). Later that night he worked his list of social contacts at the club to try an hook him up with a girl that others and him "thought" he would like better, (a slim girl). It is sheer craziness. I haven't been that fortunate. Where I'm stationed there aren't many bigger girls, only Japanese nationals, airmen, Marines, and sailors, all relatively in shape, oh sigh me.
13 years

Any other video game nerds on here?

Never played any of the Fallout series. However Dead Space, FEAR, and L4D were pretty awesome. PC is my weapon of choice; can't get the same level of precision on the Xbox. Played Left 4 Dead soo many times my friends and I know the pacing of the music when the horde will come, or any special infected. It is pretty ridiculous.
13 years

My gf lost 35 pounds...

Silver Fox wrote
I'm afraid the prognosis is not very good. At least from my point of view. I am married to a woman whom I thought was destined to be a BBW for the rest of her life. Only problem was, she didn't like being fat. And so a little over a year ago her parents gave her $10,000.00 to get WLS. She went from 225 to 140. At her peak she really needed size 24 jeans though she never bought any. Now she needs size 8! I do still love her very much, but I am not attracted to her sexually at all. Sex has become very unsatisfying. She also looks 10 to 15 years older since she lost all that weight. I am still undecided as to where this will end up. We are coming up on out tenth anniversary, but had started dating over 15 years ago. It is hard to conceive of not being with her, but it is also hard to conceive of never making love to a BBW again for the rest of my life.

As for you, WishFA, your situation may not be so bad. If you don't think your GF could ever possibly have WLS, then chances are very good that she will regain the weight she lost, plus some. That's the usual pattern. Doesn't happen 100% of the time, but certainly more often than not. It is even a possibility for my wife that she will gain some of the weight back. She is only 16 months out from her surgery. But she seems pretty determined not to gain it back... we'll see.

I know I'm going to be patient for at least another year. By then she will either gain a little weight back and/or I will just learn to live with her the way she is. We don't have any children together so that is not an issue. But I am 56 years old and the prospect of being single is not something I really look forward to.

Anyway, bottom line for you is to be patient for a while. Don't get married. Don't pressure her to gain. Wait and see where it goes.
Silver man I feel soo sorry for you. WLS can have some horrific side effects (I'd rather not mention them here). I can't imagine why anyone would ever subject themselves to that kind of procedure. Why do women always do this? They know, they figure out what it is that their partners find attractive yet they knowingly attempt to lose weight, become thin. It would seem counter-intuitive, illogical don't you think? Anyways I hope your situation rectifies itself.
13 years
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