College weight

During my 4.5 years in college, I think I put on around 75 pounds. It was a lot of fun.
2 years

Fantasy feeder is easily the best fat community

Of all the online places I've hung out since the late 90s, I think I've been here the longest. Its a great place.
2 years

Do you think it’s possible to find love with this fetish?

I’ve been trying to fatten up a lady since I was 13. Been into getting fat myself since I was 18. I’m 37 now, and I’ve yet to find love. Dated some great girls over the years, and ALL of them except one were trying to lose weight.

It sucks, it really does. I wish there was some magic answer, but unless you are willing to relocate or connect with someone online, the cards are not in your favor
2 years

Word processors

Thanks for all of the replies!! Gonna look into Google Docs and Open Office.
2 years

Unorthodox feminization

Great story! Thanks for sharing something so personal.
2 years

Word processors

If I was doing some serious work, I'd probably pony up for word. I've used it in the past.

But for the handful of stories floating around in my head, I'd like something free or at least inexpensive. I may look into google docs, anybody know how it works?
2 years

Word processors

Hello all! What word processors is everyone using to write these fantastic stories? I have a ton of ideas for stories and I'd like to try my hand at this.

Are there any programs I can download for free or cheap? Any help would be appreciated.
2 years

Home cooked meals

I love home cooking. A fried pork chop, some mustard greens, and some kind of potato might just be my favorite meal.
3 years

Staying fat with a physical job

Its tough but it is possible. I have a physically demanding job, lots of walking and heavy lifting. The best thing I've found is to eat a ton.

There have been times in the past when I took a break from gaining, and lost weight quickly when I went back to a more normal diet.

A new job that wasn't so physical would do wonders for your waistline. Something to think about.
3 years

Bhms with high blood pressure? how do you manage?

Been on blood pressure meds for several years now, it controls things nicely. I have a family history of high blood pressure.

My Dr has never mentioned my weight with any of the issues I'm having.
3 years
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