Mutual gaining vs. body contrast


That being said, I’m also a big fan of thin-fat contrast.
What I like about this is, that in a way it’s a fuck you to society. Media and television often show that fat people should end up with another fat person. Thin people that date someone fat are told ‘they could do better’, as if a person is worth less because they’re fat. Or the fat person is told ‘they got lucky’ because they have a thin partner.
So I really like it when a thin person is like, no I don’t agree with society’s beauty standards, I love my fat partner.
And as a fat person it somehow must make you feel powerful knowing the effect your fat body has on your partner.

thats such a good point that i totally agree with!!!

Years ago I had the chance to meet up with a traveling friend from the community. It was a short 1 week romance but she gained like 40 pounds while her stay in England before coming over for a short stay.
Running around the city with her was amazing seeing people starte at us for our crazy body contrast and throwing it in theist faces that we are totally aware what’s going on and loving it. We were pretty proud and it had such a sexual tension all the time. One picture was amazing. We came out of a train station and a fat girl was sitting on a bench seeing us. Her jaw dropped open and my friend smiled and winked at her as we were walking by.
It was such a cute reaction and we guess we encouraged her that moment to not let society tell her what she can archive or what she should hope for or not!

So Body contrast is the king 😍🙌🏼 Wonderful memories .
So yeah. Wanted to share this with you and add to the discussion
2 years