Does gaining make you hungrier?

Iv'e definitely been turned on by a friend's softness lately, around his jaw/face and the tiniest pooch in a tee shirt that's actually happened pretty rapidly. But the BIGGEST difference I've noticed is he seems to be ravenous, ready for one meal barely a couple of hours after the last. And this latter thing is what is turning me on even more, especially when his stomach growled the other day!
8 months

Happy 4th of july

Yes, happy 4th of July weekend. Can't wait to hear everybody's stories of how they gorged themselves on grill and picnic goodies. It would also be great to hear if any friends or family appeared mildly horrified by the amount of eating/gorging at said events, lol.
1 year


Nice intro. You could also throw up a few pics showing the "before" size. That's pretty hot to see the evolution.
3 years

Pizza stuffing

I'm planning to tonight!

how was it

Love you a instead pic, hot
7 years

Pizza stuffing

I'm planning to tonight!

how was it

Love you a instead pic, hot
7 years