Tricked into becoming a fat pig

by comparison, i am at my fattest and heaviest - ever!

Are you still putting on weight?
3 years

How much have you gained in quarantine?

I have gained 25 pounds so far.
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

i totally see this now - it is like hitting a critical mass, and now it seems to just happen on its own. my appetite keeps my belly fueled, my metabolism is converting all the calories to fat, and it's almost a self- perpetuating system!

i keep thinking, "better slow down," but it never happens!

This is what your girlfriend meant by “the point of no return.” You can still break the cycle, of course - but it will require a major lifestyle change.

“Slowing down” is very difficult without lifestyle change because your growing belly has increased your appetite and daily calorie consumption while also slowing your calorie burning. Your fat cells have doubled and doubled again, and insulin resistance causes the "gain train" to gather speed, potentially fattening you up to weights that once seemed impossible.

To paraphrase Hemingway: "How did I get fat? First slowly, then suddenly."
3 years

Advice for back pain?

Is this just an inevitable weight gain pain? or is it more of a posture problem? Any tips and tricks would be appreciated!

Sometimes back issues are due to imbalances or tightness in muscles. The result is that the pelvis or spine is pulled out of alignment. This can be alleviated by stretching and balanced weight training as well as core exercises.
3 years

Communists and other leftists ?

Perhaps your world model is wrong.

How? Specifics?

There are statues of Ronald Reagan in Budapest and Warsaw. They are there because President Reagan won the Cold War and by doing so freed the nations of Eastern Europe and unified Germany. It was one of the landmarks of the 20th century, comparable to Churchill’s leadership in WW II. So Reagan belongs on the list of the greatest 20th Century Presidents, up there with Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Truman and Eisenhower.
4 years

Having no idea about partner’s weight

The FA in me intrinsically loves this, the quant in me has to know why?

It came from the empirical observation that every 7 pounds gained corresponds to another inch on the waistline. It assumes that a woman of average height and build with a 26 inch waistline would weigh around 130 pounds.

Such a "rule of thumb" doesn't account for height, weight distribution, muscle versus fat gains, etc.
4 years

Having no idea about partner’s weight

I keep changing my mind about how much she might weigh, imagining everything from 290 all the way to 400 pounds.

Here's a way to guess her weight +- 20 pounds. Imagine hugging her around the waist and then add your height in inches to the imagined gap between your fingers (if you can't reach around her).

Weight = (waist - 26) * 7 + 130

If she has a 66 inch waist, that would be roughly 410 pounds. 50 inch waist would be roughly 300 pounds.
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

now i find i am already a little over 260, and 300 seems like a milestone that is not quite as far away as i originally thought!

oh my...

As you get bigger, it gets easier to gain and harder to lose. Even to maintain you’d need to workout regularly. So you’re on a path to 300... And your feeder gf is in control of your gains as well as her own size.

One huge milestone to come is if you weigh more than her due to her loss and your gain. “weight transfer” is a very powerful bond that once confirmed will propel her continued loss as well as your gains.

You could end up a huge fatty with a slender, fit partner.
4 years
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