What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Being the fattest kid in school and secretly stuffing my clothes with cushions and pillows to look like I was bursting my clothes. Eating whole cakes in my bedroom. Fat kids in comics - Hungry Horace, Fatty in the Bash Street Kids, on TV, Doughnut in the Double Deckers. Preferring the before pictures of Weight Watchers slimmers of the year. All signs that I was a true FA.
1 year

I remember my first really big girl

At a gig - she was the biggest girl my own age I’d ever seen. I noticed her arrive with friends. Her long coat couldn’t hide her size. My first sight of a true butt shelf. A few meaningful glances and flirtatious smiles were exchanged during the concert. Then we chatted after the encore and ended up in the bar. We kissed as we waited for her taxi home. The first girl my long (I’m 6 foot 3) arms couldn’t encircle. Big as her bum and boobs were my abiding memory of her body are the cute dimples where her knuckles should have been and the most sensual double chin/fat neck that quivered when she giggled, talked or ate. I miss her, first true love I guess.
2 years

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I was a fat child and a very fat teenager. I used to sneak food (whole chocolate cakes) to my room and stuff myself. I’d fantasise about being as fat as the fattest people in the Guinness Book of Records. I’d stuff cushions and pillows under my clothes to make myself look fatter in my bedroom. I remember drooling over a comic strip called The Slimms where a pair of obese parents were constantly being badgered to lose weight by their skinny son and Hungry Horace a (not very fat really) little boy who was greed personified. I loved Billy & Bessie Bunter. Seeing slimmer of the year articles in newspapers I’d always be attracted to the before pictures. This was all before the internet so of course I thought I was the only one in the world who thought like this. Finding issues of Plumpers after only seeing occasional sets by ‘larger’ models in standard men’s magazines was a revelation. With the internet finding out there are fat women who not only want to stay fat but get fatter is like a dream. Long may it continue.
2 years

Why is obesity attractive to you?

I find the obese female form infinitely more attractive than the slim female form. If curves are the definition of the female figure then a woman with more, bigger curves defines what a woman should look like. I believe fatter women appear more feminine. I love everything about an obese woman from the obvious boobs, belly and bum to cute double chins, sexy rolls of back fat, huge pillowy arms, cute little rolls of fat on thighs, folds over wrists & ankles, dimples where knuckles & knees should protrude.
2 years

Nonfeeder fat appreciators

I adore fat women and particularly fat women who want to get fatter. I get turned on by fat women eating (but not average or slim women eating, though I can be attracted to women of all sizes). I love being with a woman who has massive appetites who might be considered gluttonous by society. I don’t consider myself a feeder but get aroused by the act of feeding a fat woman. If a woman I am with wants to gain that’s great but if she wants to lose weight for health reasons that’s great too.
2 years

Who would you rather date?

Definitely 2 - a fat partner who enjoys food & eating is the best. Some gain will be natural. As long as no diets unless for health reasons.
4 years