Ask...another man?

Vect0r......missed golden opportunity in that photo.....if only the caption was "They see me rollin...they be hatin" LOL
13 years

Favorite movies :d

Lets see.....

Army of Darkness has to top the list...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles series
All Star Trek movies
Most Star Wars (some of the newer ones were kinda EH!)
Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2
Super Mario Bros (yes, the live action one!)
The Big Lebowski
Shaun of the Dead
Hot Fuzz
Black Dynamite
Heavy Metal
Terminator series
Robocop 1,2,3
Shrek 1,2,3
The Neverending Story
The Princess Bride
Ironman 1,2
Spiderman 1,2,3
The Last Starfighter
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Transporter
The Dark Knight
The Monster Squad
The Fifth Element

I could go on and on. I am a huge movie freak with the DVD/Blu-ray collection to prove it. hehe
13 years

Ignoring ims

DorianGray wrote
If someones ignoring me to a point where I feel they aren't interested or they are just talking to a whole lot of people or pretty much people that act/think like Winter I just ignore them and never talk to them again. There isn't anything wrong with some of the 10 reasons you stated, but personally I'd never want to talk to someone like you that treated people as such. I don't want to feel like I'm here to entertain people or to jump hoops to be your friend or get your attention. If the said person treats me anything less than a person they are interested in talking to, they aren't worth my time and they shouldn't be worth yours.

you sir deserve a *High Five* i agree ! FEMFEEDR ! read this man ! this is an answer. I doubt this is the only solution but it's probably the most effective one.

I have to agree. I started this post with no malice simply asking some questions, requesting the stances of others on the subject and stating my personal views. Sadly, what I got back from many of the people here were (as I took them, maybe I am just overly sensitive) defensive attitudes and a desire to flame. I was told I needed to "get a life", that I should stop being so "butt hurt", I was told that I needed to realise that there were real people on the other end and then in the same statment told that it was "just the internet", and it was hinted that sending people message was like just walking into their house uninvited....among other statments.

I like to expect the best from people in general but I have now been told that if someone does not acknowledge my message that probably means the person is busy constantly (yet oddly has time to contribute to internet forums smiley ) or feels that I have not earned the right to talk to them and I do not deserve to chat with them.

I know this may seem to be an overly dramitic summary, but then many of the responses I got were at least as energetic.

At any rate, I want anyone here to feel free to message me anytime about anything and know that barring unforeseen reasons I will do my best to reply in some way. The internet may have given some people liscense to ignore certain social standards but I am not one of them. smiley
13 years

Ignoring ims

I think some people have lost the focus of my original statmens or either I was not clear. Let me site some examples of how I behave on IMs to hopefully clear up some things.

Lets assume this is someone I have never talked to before and thus are not in my messenger list. I see them and think I would like to get to know them and chat with them....I also see that they have an IM address posted. I message them (NOTE I said *message* not *add* them as I consider that to be rude) with something along the lines of "Hi, I hope I am not interrupting anything but I saw your profile and thought we had some things in common and I would love to chat and get to know you better. Please feel free to message me back at your earliest convience."

Now the best case scenario here is that I hear back from the person, we chat and get to know one another and become friends and THEN I ask if I may add them to my messenger list. On the chance that the person does not want to chat with me I would appreciate a message back simply saying so. That was I
A. know the person at least got my message for sure
B. know not to send this person any further messages and thus avoid the chance of inadvertantly aggrivating them.

Now the other side of this is people that ARE in your messenger list that ignore you. This is annoying to me because these are the people you would logically assume would want to chat with you and not ignore you since you probably have already chatted with them at some point and they had to accept you as a "friend" in the IM program for you to even see them.

I hope these examples clear up MY stand on this. I say my because I can't speak for everyone and everything I have posted is based off my personal observations and opinions. Not once have I stated that anyone owes me anything, I just said that I felt it would be polite if others would at least acknowledge people that tried to contact them one way or another.
13 years

Ignoring ims

I don't remember saying in my last message that you HAD to answer every message. I simply said that by not answering you were CHOOSING to ignore someone. If you only wish to be contacted by your family/friends/co-workers then by all means that is within your rights but I submit that it is also in your control in that you can choose to make the information public or not.

Just an observation on my part, but many people on this thread seem to read this post and become very defensive and hostile. That was not my intent but I find it very sad that this is a subject that generates so much negativity in many of you.

So if you do not want to have a fun conversation in which you might make a new friend then please do not contact me. And if I should dare to send any of you a message to introduce myself in an attempt to get to know you better then please forgive me for intruding into your inner sanctum and ignore me. As others have posted, I suppose I would not want to talk to someone with such negative views of others anyway.

And if anyone takes this or anything else I have said as some sort of "attack" on them I assure you that was not my intention. If you may still feel that way then I apologise. As I said in my original post I just wanted an open and honest discussion and in doing so I may have opened a can of worms for some of you.

At any rate, smile and we will all continue on our merry ways.
13 years

Ignoring ims

First, I want to thank you all for your views. I wanted an honest and constructive conversation on this point and that is what I have gotten. I understand both sides of this and I do respect them but I have to say that I still lean to the side of what I would call common courtsey.

I understand that sometimes people do not want to be bothered but I think that the lack of face to face contact the internet grants us has given many of us a ticket to shed many of the social skills and norms we take for granted in everyday life. If this "right"? Well, I suppose that is for each person to decide, I suppose it is just an evolutionary step in the online social scene.

Okapi, I see your point about IMs being like a phone but I have to disagree on a few points I feel are very important and relavent. First, I feel IMs are more like answering machines than phones...or maybe voicemail is a more modern parralel (I don't want to date myself too much, I am only 35. hehe). In your phone annalogy one might assume nobody got a message, but with IMs there is a message left go unless the computer rebooted for some reason, if the person does not reply to you then they are CHOOSING to ignore you. This is not to say that their intent is to be rude mind you. Also, the phonebook annalogy is a bit off in that you number is automatically listed by your phone company and made public unless you ask them not to. This is not the case for IM names. You CHOOSE to post your information on websites and forums. Thus I say if you are worried about being contacted by people you don't want to talk to then simply don't post your information or at the very least post saying you prefer a PM first.

I have seen some of you saying that your IM program logs on when you start your computer and logs you in and you may not be there. Now most if not all IM programs will automatically mark you away after a certain peroid of time and I also submit that you can easily configure them not to start and/or log you in when the computer starts. Again, if this is the cash and you get an IM and you see it and don't respond to it you are still CHOOSING to ignore it. Using these reasons as the excuse for not responding is akin to wondering why your house is a target of thivery because you don't know how to lock the doors and set the alarm when you are not there. Again, just to be clear I do not mean this or anything I have said to have an angry or spiteful tone, these are mearly my observations and opinions.

I also want to thank you all for the honest discussion on this topic. I love to hear how other people view things. I especially want to thank Winterstocking, VECT0RMAN, and LadyEjkua for their contributions.
13 years

Ignoring ims

Well, I have to say that I expected more polite results than what I found here. The vibe I "feel" from the majority of the responses would be hostile. As in people do not want to be bothered and feel you are invading their space or "assaulting" them by messaging them at times. But I submit that if that is indeed the case then why post your IM names in the first place?

As I said in my original post, I always start a conversation (or should I say ATTEMPTED conversation) by asking how a person is or if they are free and feel like chatting. As Johnxyz said, if you tell me you are busy or just do not want to talk then that is the end of it. I know not to contact you anymore or at least to wait till you let me know you are free. If you ignore me then I am left to assume that you may not have gotten my message and will likely send you more messages in the future that may annoy you, which is not my intention.

In the end, aren't we here to meet other people of like tastes and make new friends? How can we do that if we are not open to meeting new people and in some cases are outright rude to them?
13 years

Ignoring ims

Do any of you find it annoying when someone ignores you on an IM system? I mean systems like Yahoo, MSN, or AIM. You know the person is there, they are not marked as "busy", and they are not "away". The assumption a logical person would make is that they are open for chat.

And to head off a few people right away, no I am not talking about the creeps that want sex chat and the like. For instance, I usually message a person with something like "Hello. How are you today?" Nothing offensive or that can even be taken the wrong way.

And yet you get no response. You think that maybe they went AFK just recently yet the away message never shows up. And you never hear from them. No message the next day like "Sorry I missed you." Mostly this comes from women (though it can apply to guys as well) and I can understand them being guarded given the creeps on the net, but isn't it just common courtsey to say hello when spoken to if you can if not right then at your earliest convience? Is it so bad out there that you just assume that everyone is out to get you and not just truely being friendly?

I will say that this happens most often with the "famous/high-profile" people you message and I can understand them not always being able to drop everything and respond immediatly as they must get tons of messages, but to NEVER respond to a friendly greeting or inquiry as to how they are doing just seems a bit rude to me. I mean if you had no desire to hear from or respond to your "fans" then why post your contact information?

I do want to say I am sorry if this came across as a rant, but I am one of those people that when I message you I am looking to make a new friend and get to know you with no sinister hidden agenda and when someone contacts me over a messenger or even email I WILL reply to you ASAP and try to get to know you. If you turn out to be a creem THEN I might ignore you but I do not automatically assume that people are scum.

I want to hear some of your thoughts on this subject. Both sides, let me know your reasonings and such.
13 years

Fable 3 bbw?

Everyone assumes it is complicated (and some things can be if you have not done your homework), but as you saw it is not. For the most part these days you just snap the parts in and that is that. The only real "hard part" is usually getting the right part but usually if it fits it works.

Now the fun comes in performance tuning and overclocking your computer. hehe

stufferdude wrote
I just started to beef up my pc for the first time, and I was amazed at the simplicity of it. I always figured it involved lots of soldering and wiring, but its pretty much just putting the square peg into the square hole.
13 years

Fable 3 bbw?

What can I say....some people are still afraid they will blow a computer up if they touch it wrong. Me...I have been taking the damn things apart and building them for 20 years. My friends call me because a dialog box pops up and they freeze..."What do I do?!?!?!" the damn box and do what it says would be a great start. hehe

abeamt wrote
FemFeedr wrote
I would rather get my games on PC as well, but this is Fable!!!! hehe

My friends are mostly console gamers because "getting PC games to work is too hard"...their words. Personally, I don't see many issues and I love being able to mod my games and load player made content. Who knows....maybe Big Bessie can be made real by a crafty modder. Mmmmm......

abeamt wrote
I'm still waiting for them to annoucne the PC release date.smiley

Do their moms still breastfeed them too? Seriously, monkeys are going to teach the descendants of these guys how to pull levers at meal time.

No offense to your circle of friends, though.smiley
13 years
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