Your kinkiest fantasy

The first one is I go to a hotel like place that specializes in weight gain and spend months there with other feedees. The people who stay there are given a room to stay in, plenty of food, and there's a mess hall where you can be fed in the manner of your choice (ie. force feeding by staff, tube feeding by a machine, or simply gorging yourself). When I first get there, I'm surrounded by the other feedees, told how skinny I am and teased about my size. But over time, with the encouragement of the other feedees, I become one of the fattest people there. I leave there in the clothes I arrived in (which don't fit me anymore), still hungry and wanting to get even fatter.

The second one is where I go with a very fat girlfriend to a feeder/feedee/encourager party - it's a rooftop pool environment with plenty of extremely fat people wearing some of the most revealing swimwear. When I first get there, people compliment me on how good a job I've done fattening up my girlfriend - but we correct them and let them know that I'm the one that is the feedee in the relationship. People then encourage me to eat up, and I'm hand fed by my very fat girlfriend as well as others. Over time, I gain a ton of weight (and my girlfriend adds a bit of weight on her figure) and eventually start to show up in a very tight speedo. Other party goers compliment me about my fattening up and I get habitually teased about it too.
14 years

Getting super fat by pillows

The problem with padding was never having enough pillows in the house. haha
14 years

What is your dream feeding?

I think for me I'd love to have just a constant flow of food coming my way. Each meal flowing into the next with snacks to keep me tided over between breaks.

Starting in the morning with a pile of pancakes with lots of maple syrup and pads of butter, toast and a lot of milk and orange juice.

A mid morning snack would be some bacon or sausages.

Lunch would be something that would be maybe some fast food - a couple of greasy burgers and fries with a couple of bottles of Coke or Pepsi. Three or four sundaes to finish it off.

A bag of chips or potato skins for a mid afternoon snack.

Dinner would be something like pasta, steak, pizza, whatever. Just lots of it and a whole cake for me to eat on my own.

And this would all be photographed and documented of course. smiley
14 years

Too much?

You summed it up pretty much best in the first paragraph - for some people, the fantasy is always way more appealing than the reality. Probably because the fantasy doesn't have any consequences or responsibilities attached to it.
14 years

Prefered weight

Health is priority one, but I'd like to be a nice, fat 600lbs if I could.
14 years


Muumuu's? Really? As a fashion choice?

I think part of the problem is finding clothes that might compliment the "look" that someone might want to achieve. As for jeans and pants, there are both that have an elastic waistbands, and even with a significant belly droop, there's still the option of wearing a belt (although finding a belt that wide is a challenge all unto itself).
14 years

It's fun to get fat!

The stuffings, the feeling of being so full, the times where you eat so much you can barely move. The list goes on.

Plus the benefits of taking up a bit more space, feeling your clothes getting tighter on you over time (and eventually growing out of them!).

It's great getting fat.
15 years