Shape of your belly

Fat gut. Yes I would agree
1 year

Fashion tips? i guess?

This is a great topic as I struggle with this as well. My issue is always how I should wear my pants. Especially when I was a bit smaller around 260/270, my waist would always slip under my belly and my pants would not look right.

Being bigger and softer at currently 294, pants seem to fit better with the waist around my belly and the length of the pants fit better too.

I feel it is trial and error but also hard to manage through the body changes. For me, the fatter I get, the easier it came to dressing. Not to mention that you acclimate to after a while to your size and being comfortable at that size.
1 year

Fashion tips? i guess?

This is a great topic as I struggle with this as well. My issue is always how I should wear my pants. Especially when I was a bit smaller around 260/270, my waist would always slip under my belly and my pants would not look right.

Being bigger and softer at currently 294, pants seem to fit better with the waist around my belly and the length of the pants fit better too.

I feel it is trial and error but also hard to manage through the body changes. For me, the fatter I get, the easier it came to dressing. Not to mention that you acclimate to after a while to your size and being comfortable at that size.
1 year

Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed IRL - no, part of the fantasy for me. Love to feed and be fed
2. Ate myself to sleep - yes
3. Had sex while being fed at the same time - no
4. Stolen food because I'm just a piggy - yes, hide a lot of eating especially secret fast food runs
5. Been called a fat name in public - yes
6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly - yes, that was weirdly a turn on
7. Been fatter than my current weight - no
8. Ripped clothes or popped a button - yes, very often these days
9. Broken furniture because of my weight - yes
10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on - no
11. Fantasized about immobility - no
12. Ate until I threw up - no
13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size - yes, my ass stuck in an armchair
14. Posted nudes of myself online - yes
15. Been fed online - no
16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member - yes, multiple times
17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat - no
18. Started rubbing my belly in public - yes
19. Been called a pig - yes
20. Been weighed and measured by my partner - no, would love this
21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer - no
1 year

Crumbl cookies?

I think they are overrated.
1 year

The first time you've ever been teased/complimented by someone ya didn't know

The first time I had a comment from a stranger that was direct was when I was walking out of Burger King with a couple bags of food and a guy walking in asked me “Did you leave anything for the rest of us?”

Man, some people can be real a holes. Hopefully, you left nothing for him🤣

Hell no! 😂 I had the 2 double whopper meals for $12, chicken nuggets, onion rings and a strawberry shake. Tried to clean them out!
1 year

The first time you've ever been teased/complimented by someone ya didn't know

The first time I had a comment from a stranger that was direct was when I was walking out of Burger King with a couple bags of food and a guy walking in asked me “Did you leave anything for the rest of us?”
1 year

Too fat? exciting realization! 😳❤️

I was just on a flight where I could not put down my tray table for my drink and snack. Had to lift my belly to rest it on top to get a little bit of space for my drink.
1 year

How big are your man boobs?

LMAO, had to check, 48 DD. I need a brozier
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

I grew up in a family that centered a lot around food and a majority of my family members were fat. I always wondered what it would be like to be fat, but as a kid and through college I played football and was always in shape, but a bigger guy and would not say thin. In high school I gained about 20-25 lbs per year starting at 145 lbs and ending around 215. I played in college around 225ish and when I finished college football is when I had my first gain. I hit 240 and then lost a bunch of weight in the years between college and getting married.

When I got married I was 185 lbs. Had not been that since I was a junior in HS. I gained a little at first, but was very active still. When my wife became pregnant with our first child, that is when things changed. Call it sympathy gain or whatever, I gained about 20 lbs. Second child. Another 30 lbs. I was about 235 lbs and I started to be more and more attracted to my wife's bigger self and I started to wonder what it was like to be 250 lbs.

The gaining and losing chain started as I blew past 250 and hit 260. Lost to 245 and then gained back up to 270, back down to 250 and gained to see the pattern. Each cycle of the yoyo, my body changed, started in my belly went to my lower body, to my chest and arms then my chin. I loved the feeling of getting fatter and now there is no more yoyo and I am 294 and climbing gradually. I cannot remember what it was like to be who I once was and have embraced my fatness!
1 year
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