Roll call! any other autistic feedist in the house?

Hey hey šŸ‘‹šŸ», same here!
2 years

Planning it out

I weigh like 159 pounds and as I said, I'm running this plan through to see what I can do differently before I start, and Ideally, I would like to become obese, but in a way that doesn't put it all in my abdominal area[/quote]

That sounds really impressive! Are you doing anything for appetite, or is that not an issue? I wish I could eat this much but for me appetite is the one thing Iā€™m constantly having problems with.
3 years

Shaving you belly & body

So Iā€™ve only shaved my chest and stomach a handful of times in my life. The first time was pretty funny.

Back in highschool I was at a party with friends and we all were taking off our shirts to go swimming, I was pretty active then so I was in good shape. I had just shaved everything for wrestling a few days before. But when I took my shirt off one of my friends yelled, ā€œdude, you have Bruce Lee Sausage Nipples!ā€ šŸ˜³ Everyone had a good laugh at that lol. Itā€™s funny because a few years before this I realized I was really into big bellies and stuffing lol šŸ˜‚.

Whenever I shaved though I did notice I felt softer or at least my belly was more sensitive then when I had hair. Kind of like when you have long hair and cut it short, you can feel the breeze of the air. I havenā€™t shaved in a really long time but I might try it out since Iā€™m bigger now.
3 years

Managing heartburn

Thank you all for the advice! Iā€™ve definitely taken a few things away from this, really appreciate it. Iā€™ve actually never heard of the term GERD before lol.
3 years

Not looking at scale?

I agree with this too, itā€™s really nice when your significant other acknowledges your gain. My girlfriend will ask me to weigh myself every so often, that helps with not having to look at the scale as much. She will Say things like ā€œlooks like someone is getting a little chub chubā€ which I find really cute lol.

I used to look at the scale everyday it seemed and I would get easily discouraged by falling numbers, especially with how my weight fluctuates. So learned to not worry about the numbers and to be more casual with the weight gain.
3 years

Managing heartburn

So this is something that Iā€™m constantly dealing with. Sometimes itā€™s not bad and other times it wakes me up in the middle of the night and I have to rush to the restroom. I take Prilosec but it only does so much to manage. I notice the more I gain the more frequent it is. I donā€™t know if I should change what Iā€™m eating or change the time that I eat. Any advice would help!
3 years

Quarantine effect

I gained about 15 lbs during my ā€œtime offā€. I was so surprised by how easy it was to gain weight. Now that Iā€™m back to work Iā€™m not eating as much as I was, but Iā€™m still holding on to some of the weight, which is nice! I guess we will see how much my weight fluctuates over time.
3 years

Continuing to gain during this

British Gaining Guy:
Thereā€™s a few apps you can get that allow you to count your calories and plan meals. You can plan out your meals in advance and ensure you hit your calorie goal each day and spend a minimum amount of time and money. Itā€™s been working really well for me so far 5k each day for the last 5 days and Iā€™m already getting results.

Thatā€™s awesome! Which app are you using? I have Carb Manager, my girlfriend got it to cut carbs and Iā€™m using it for the opposite lol.
4 years

I want to post pictures but worried for professional reasons... anyone else like this?

For a long time I felt uncomfortable about posting any pictures on the site because of my job. Thereā€™s a lot of social media involved with it and putting yourself out there in the public. I have a lot of tattoos but I try not to show them in my photographs, which sucks because it limits the type of photographs i can take of myself. I just feel that with stuff like this itā€™s really important for me to separate pleasure and work. the drawings I have on my page are ones I havenā€™t shown to anyone in person, they are even drawn in a different style from what I usually do.
4 years

Anyone used the myfitnesspal (hah) app?

I use CarbManager on my phone. Itā€™s helped me out quite a bit to track my progress and add more calories. It has a A-F rating system for how bad or good the food is based on carbs, has a pretty bid database too. I find it super useful to get the most out of what I eat lol.
4 years
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