What little differences have you noticed recently?

I've had a couple. One was the first time I've ever had a stranger comment on my weight. I was chatting with someone I'd just met about how I (apparently) look just like a guy he knows. In addition to similar hair color etc he gave a very noticeable (but unintentional) glance at my belly and mentioned we were both "a little...thicker..."
Also, I've noticed when I go in for a hug or cuddle with my wife now my belly is the first part of my body to make contact, laying in bed we wind up with a 2-4" gap between us because of the space my new gut occupies.
2 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Haha, the Target in my area still has the fitting rooms closed due to covid so it's always fun guessing game about if any new pants will fit. I got lucky with my old size a few months ago, so when I needed a new pair for work last week I grabbed the same size (mens 34x32) off the shelf and headed home. Of course they sat in the bag untouched until right before I needed to leave. I confidently grabbed them pulled them up and...yikes. With my gut sucked in I could JUST get them done up, but were definitely not an option for a full day of work. Fortunately, I had an older, more stretched out pair, that was good enough. Bonus points for having my wife innocently asking why I wasn't wearing my new pants, and having to explain that I'd gotten too fat.
2 years

Sucking your stomach in

I'm definitely almost always half sucking it in, especially for photos since I'm still kind of self conscious about gaining weight. A while ago, I mentioned having put on some weight to my wife. I showed her my belly to prove my point, and she accused me of messing with her and pushing it out to look fatter, though really it was just my non-sucked in gut.
2 years

Quarantine gain

About 10-15lbs for me. Also losing some muscle mass, so getting softer and softer
3 years

Clothes feel good

Ugh, I'm a similar boat right now. My inventory of pants that I can bear to sit in for a long period of time is rapidly diminishing. I drive a lot for work, so I have to choose between being uncomfortable in tight pants, or being embarrassed driving around with my top button undone. I'll probably have to bite the bullet and get a bigger size soon, but yeah it is kind of a bummer
3 years

When did it hit that you're fat.

It was this site, I think! I've enjoyed reading (and looking at) this site since back in the day when I was in my athletic prime so as much as I enjoyed the content I never could personally relate to the experiences. Then one day (after years of gradual weight gain), I was looking in the mirror and realized how similar I looked to some of the fine chubby folks on here.

I used to read about people's gains here and in my subconscious wonder "how do you let yourself go like that? Good thing I've only gained a couple pounds...". It turns out that only gaining "a couple pounds" a year, turns into 40lbs and a beer gut before you realize it, and THAT'S how people let themselves go. because as it turns out I'm one of them...
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

So like everyone else I've packed on some pounds during quarantine. Right now though all of my pants still seem to fit. I think it's just my belly pushing them lower and sticking out further over the waistband
3 years

Quarantine weight gain

Only about 10lbs for me, but it's a big 10lbs. It's what officially put me juuuuuust up to 200lbs. It's also what crossed me over from being just a little overweight (according to a BMI chart) to being definitely overweight. It's also the fastest I've gained weight, I usually average about 3-4lbs a year so to jump up 10lbs over the course of a few months is kind of a big deal.
3 years

When was the moment it dawned on you that you were fat?

I remember a few years ago the first time my stats listed me as "overweight" on an online BMI test thing. At the time alarm bells were going off, and I was berating myself about how I could have let myself go that far.

Right now I'm 10+ lbs past that point, and half heartedly trying to diet/exercise myself back down to being just *a little* overweight
3 years

How big is your belly ?

So, this quiz is obviously not very scientific. But it's interesting that I distinctly remember taking it when this post first came up and I was somewhere (I want to say) in the low 30%. I just retook it now, and i'm a solid 41%, so scientific or not it definitely documents your gain!
3 years
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