Strangest way you've noticed gaining?

Hey, so there are a lot of posts about how our gains become noticeable, so I figured I'd share kind of a random one.

I have always hated shaving in the morning because using my beard trimmer makes such a mess of clippings all over the place that take forever to clean up. They're on the sink, on the floor, everywhere.

Lately. however, i've noticed cleaning up has gotten a bit easier, and there isn't nearly as many clippings to deal with. Just last week I realized that it's because I gained about 15 pounds, and now all the clippings are landing on my belly instead of hitting the floor!

Hidden blessing I guess
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

I think it was sitting on the beach with my wife. She had always politely denied the fact that I was gaining weight. Finally though she had to acknowledge my (relatively) new fat roll pushing over the waistband of my bathing suit and said something along the lines of "yeah, I see what you mean...."
5 years

The jiggle becomes noticeable and visible

I notice it especially when I exercise (which is rarely enough!). It used to be when I wore older workout gear that doesn't really fit anymore my belly would kind of jiggle. But, I but some stuff stuff that DOES fit, and low and behold my belly still bounces all over the place. And its definitely progressed from what I would have described a slight jiggle about a year ago, to a full blown bounce these days.
5 years

When did you start noticing?

I feel like I was noticing for a while before there was an appreciable change on the scale. For a long time it was mostly muscle degrading and being replaced by fat, so while my weight stayed fairly constant, I knew I was getting fatter. Just the last 6-10lbs or so have been a noticeable uptick in both weight and actual fatness (size/body composition). As it turns out it this also coincided with me crossing the BMI threshold into overweight, so I guess there is something to those numbers after all
5 years

Own weight perception

I find I often guess my own weight incorrectly because I am also losing muscle, while gaining fat. Right now I am about 10lbs lighter than when I was as my heaviest weight, but I am definitely "fatter" in that I have more of a belly now. I assume it's because the muscle I had left is slowly turning into flab, which makes me lighter, but bigger
5 years

Working out while gaining

This is kind of a piggy back on the "out of shape" thread that's been floating around here. But I was wondering if anyone else gets enjoyment from working out while they are in the midst of gaining weight.

I've had an (unusually) active week this week, and it seems like every thing I've done has been full of little reminders that I put on some weight in the last few months.

Rock climbing? I get tired wayyy faster, plus my shirt rides up and my belly pooches out over the harness when I'm being lowered.

Yoga? Look at all those new rolls! My stomach actually rests on my lap some of the time now!

Running? Don't get me started! Not only does my stomach stick out over the top of my shorts, but it was hot enough to warrant running without a shirt on (cause screw it!) so.... Jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle with every step. Plus a solid fat roll hanging down every time I had to stop and lean over to catch my breath.

I can't help but think what me from five years ago would think if I saw me from today jiggling down the street "damn, dude let me himself GO".
5 years

Working out while gaining

This is kind of a piggy back on the "out of shape" thread that's been floating around here. But I was wondering if anyone else gets enjoyment from working out while they are in the midst of gaining weight.

I've had an (unusually) active week this week, and it seems like every thing I've done has been full of little reminders that I put on some weight in the last few months.

Rock climbing? I get tired wayyy faster, plus my shirt rides up and my belly pooches out over the harness when I'm being lowered.

Yoga? Look at all those new rolls! My stomach actually rests on my lap some of the time now!

Running? Don't get me started! Not only does my stomach stick out over the top of my shorts, but it was hot enough to warrant running without a shirt on (cause screw it!) so.... Jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle with every step. Plus a solid fat roll hanging down every time I had to stop and lean over to catch my breath.

I can't help but think what me from five years ago would think if I saw me from today jiggling down the street "damn, dude let me himself GO".
5 years

Working out while gaining

This is kind of a piggy back on the "out of shape" thread that's been floating around here. But I was wondering if anyone else gets enjoyment from working out while they are in the midst of gaining weight.

I've had an (unusually) active week this week, and it seems like every thing I've done has been full of little reminders that I put on some weight in the last few months.

Rock climbing? I get tired wayyy faster, plus my shirt rides up and my belly pooches out over the harness when I'm being lowered.

Yoga? Look at all those new rolls! My stomach actually rests on my lap some of the time now!

Running? Don't get me started! Not only does my stomach stick out over the top of my shorts, but it was hot enough to warrant running without a shirt on (cause screw it!) so.... Jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle with every step. Plus a solid fat roll hanging down every time I had to stop and lean over to catch my breath.

I can't help but think what me from five years ago would think if I saw me from today jiggling down the street "damn, dude let me himself GO".
5 years

Tight clothing

I'm definitely guilty of keeping a couple items of "skinny" clothes around that I squeeze into occasionally to judge just how fat I've gotten. One of my favorites is a pair of pants from my wedding just 2 years ago that I can barely button now. Of course on top of this all of my clothes now are verging toward being future "skinny" clothes as I keep growing, and they keep getting tighter and tighter.
5 years

Most of my clothes are tight

haha, hell yeah go for it!

I just bought new shorts today and without thinking got my "normal" size 34s that I wore last summer. tried them on when i got home, and whoops! They button up alright, but are pretty damn snug. I don't plan to return them, so it looks like I'll be dealing with having a fat little gut sticking out over my waistband all summer. Or I could try to lose some weight, but I kind of doubt that's going happen...
6 years
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