Waist to hip ratio

i'm 0.91 : extreme, I think it is difficult for women to reach the top, they tend to have big *** smileysmiley
10 years

Feedees: why get fat?

6. I can find it erotic.
5. My girlfriend likes bouncing on the belly
2. Do you like to eat to much.
1. I like the food fattening.
3. I'm tired of feeling guilty about your weight or appetite.
4. I hate diet.
10 years

Feedees: why get fat?

6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 3.
10 years

Pasta or burgers

PASTA! is good, it is cooked in a multitude of ways, cheap, fills more, never stop to stop eating it! : D
11 years

Healthy eating and gaining?

The bad fat is in the muscle, the belly (men hurts more to be fat than women), the good fat is the butt and legs, which is above the muscles, it is softer (and sexy).
I'm not a doctor, so I do not know, but you should eat much in the evening and a little in the morning, better not to overdo things with salt and too much sweet. (I like to eat pasta, you should eat so much with so many sauces).
To many people, the belly grows before that the legs, if so try to do some abdominal exercise, do not overdo it smiley
11 years


her tits have to be big and not falling! the belly,with breath in, should be smaller than tits, if not the woman loses femininity
11 years

Films or documentaries

do you know films or documentaries that speak of the pleasure of eating or fatten?
better if there are on the internet, or even better with subtitles or in Italian smiley thanks smiley
11 years

What a difference a year makes

I find myself 15 pounds heavier in a year
11 years

Weight distribution

almost everything in my belly, a little in chest and even, even if I don't realize me, in my butt because I can not put old trousers
11 years
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