Tall girls?

I agree that tall girls rock...lol

Being almost 6'3" having someone who is 5'6" or under is just...well...not as good as 5'7"-6'

I wanna be able to hug, cuddle, kiss....and when I say Kiss, I want to lean in for a romantic one...not break my neck bending my head down for anything lol
12 years


I wish I had this on something other than the PC.... It's just not as entertaining as when I played it at my friends house....

But, I kept it simple and stayed as the Nord. My comp seems to want to lag when I try to change the character in the begining.... Great game though!!
12 years

Miss piggy

Wocka wocka wocka? No? OK...

Then yeah, Miss Piggy was a plus sized Diva but, sure was bossy... eh
12 years

Mmmmm. beefyyy. ^-^

FATTERcreampuffgirl wrote:
The $5 box has to be the best thing they ever came up with. I ate 2 of them yesterday

Only 2?! Woulda got more in there... Guess I should track up into NY! lol
12 years


There's a chance I'll go total 'dick' here but, meh....

To address this to all guy is messed up. Totally messed up. Just cause one guy will talk about making you gain just to get his jollies off, then once he's bored, just stop talking to you...does not mean all guys are like that.

How about we blame some of the women around here? How about the ones that post topless pics of their growing bodies cause they are obviously in desperate need off attention...and when given attention, they chose to blatantly ignore and write off 99% of the people.....

"Hey, she's cute and actually lives within an hour from me? I'd love to chat with her and see what she's like....*polite msg sent...6 months later* Oh well, at least sending a reply that says '*** Off' would be nice...."

I don't mean to go off but, I've been irritated with the people on this site for sometime and, I'm not even sure why I come around...probably cause some of you are quite decent and the forums are a fun place to browse around and 'chat' in....

So, maybe this guy has been lead on with the assumption that he'd be able to feed a girl, fatten a girl...live his fantasy and it's been squashed many times....I'm very sorry it happened to you but, maybe he was just doing what he learned.....

No one really knows anyone's story when it comes to online sites, chatting...etc.
13 years

Ninja turtles vs power rangers

I guess we should consider that The Power Rangers would have Shredder and all of Foot on their side, along with the idiotic Rocksteady and BeBop...

But, The Turtles would have Zed, Ooze, Rita and that weird little creature that made the monsters out of miniture clay statues.....

I think it'd be an epic battle that could rage on for a lifetime....
13 years

Ninja turtles vs power rangers

This all depends on what Power Rangers they are fighting. Is it Jason, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, Trini and Tommy? Or is it the lame, bullshit Outter Space Samurai Kamakazie Warlord Power Rangers that have ruined all Power Rangers for me?

Either way, I'd pay to see a TMNT vs Old Skool Power Rangers fight. And I'd put my money on the Turtles. There might be 6 Rangers and only 4 Turtles but...Remember when the Turtles destroyed the entire foot clan AND took out Razar and Tokka? The Wolf and Snapping Turtle mutants that Shredder made in the 2nd movie.....

You wanna talk about a nerd convo, you came to the right place. rofl

The Ninja Turtles would have schooled the Rangers before they could summon the Voltron wanna be Zords. Worse comes to worse, the Turtles call up Casey Jones and bring Splinter out of retirement. Ninja Turtles win, hands down.

I don't care for Star Wars but, As long as there is a yellow sun, Superman cannot be defeated. Unless the Light saber was made of Kryptonite! That would be EPIC!

On a side note....Thundercats would *** everyone up!
13 years

Where do you work at?

Uh, not to sound like I'm totally awesome but, I'm totally Awesome....

I work for a Krispy Kreme. I'm a shift manager. It just opened in November and I'm the only guy with any KK experience from when I lived elsewhere so, most days they tell me to "Work My Magic" to get the stuff done.

WHy so awesome? FREE DOUGHNUTS! And while I'm not gaining, I am a big guy and big guys love free doughnuts!


In reality, I wish I woulda continued my education and was making loads of money in the film production industry but....the bills are paid, the movie collection is doing great and there is food on the table.....can't complain really
13 years

What could be worse?

So, I work with this girl who gave me her number. I shot her a txt one day and we talked for about 20mins, then when I asked if she wanted to hang out on a day off, has ignored me for two weeks. This sparked a debate I started at work after I was a real smart ass and said to someone who is also a teacher: "You should just ignore the kid, it's much worse than being yelled at. Trust me, I know how much it sucks to be ignored."

Only 3 other people gave opinions and the girl that ignored me? I refused to let her have input! lol

But, What do people think? What could be worse? Being ignored or yelled at? I'd rather catch shit from my g/f back in the day than to be ignored by a potential interest.

I grew up in a house where, when you did bad, you were put at the kitchen table with a dictionary and ignored all night.....

I'd rather be yelled at a few times....

Just a debate that started at work that I have decided to carry on to find what most people think, cause, once I get curious about people's thoughts/Feelings, I hunt this curiousity down and kill it with answers...lol
13 years

My girlfriend is losing weight

While I looooove big girls, i know that if I really love one, it won't matter if they are 200lbs or 400lbs......I was with someone who found this site and decided to put on 75lbs....she hated herself and no matter how sexy I found it, I couldn't get past her hatred for it......The relationship ended for a totally different reason but, I was happy when she got back to a weight that was still BBW...but also good for her.....
13 years
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