Obesity study will pay you!!

Any follow up on this?
11 years

"letting go"

I let go many years ago. I'm not trying to gain, I just eat what I want when I want to. Naturally, that's seen a slow but steady increase in weight ...
12 years

Fatburger challenge

Anyone fancy taking on the Bypass Burgers at the Heart Attack Grill? Should be free for most people here!
12 years

Tipps for gaining?

Eating last thing at night is definitely the way to go, as the body shuts down in sleep and converts food to fat, not energy. (Or something like that, lol)
12 years

Heavy cream a bad idea? :p

Remind us non-Americans, heavy cream is double cream (very, very thick), right?
12 years

Diet soda: myth or legend

It might also be the case that people who drink diet soda think 'oh, I'm being good by having a diet soda, so I can have a chocolate bar/burger/bag of crisps as a treat' and end up consuming more calories that way than they save by not having a sugary drink.

I'm fairly sure the diet sodas have also been linked to some (non-weight) health issues too.
12 years

Youtube favorites

Candy ftw. Just wish she'd come to Godiva town lol!
12 years


12 years