Does stuffing arouse you?

Ever since I was young I have been turned on by stuffing. Watching my aunt and female cousins gorge themselves at family get-togethers and then lean back and moan from over indulging was a huge turn-on. And even better was when they unbuttoned their belts or loosened their slacks to let their swollen bellies flow forth. These family meal sessions fueled my adolescent sexual fantasies for years.

I also find it highly arousing to have my own belly filled to capacity and swollen beyond measure. It feels so good. And I love to gently massage my swollen gut to relieve the pressure. There is just something about giving in to your gluttonous desires which is such a turn-on. And it dove-tails perfectly with my weight gain desires and fantasies.
9 years

Does the fetish ever go away

Netherwulf wrote a thoughtful response. I have been naturally attracted to overweight girls and women ever since I can remember, and the older a get the more my passion grows. It receive extreme sexual pleasure from watching a woman gain weight. I also found as I grew fatter that my own weight gain was a turn-on as well. I honestly believe it is just the way I am wired and to deny those feelings would be dishonest with myself.

While I have never been a feedee or feeder, the thought of being in a relationship where we feed and fatten each other has tremendous appeal. Reveling in our joint weight gain, enjoying rich, sumptuous meals together, and encouraging each other to grow ever fatter would be such a turn-on. The longer I have been a member of boards such as this, the stronger my weight gain desires grow, so no--it never goes away!
9 years

A little worried

I agree with most of what was said above. You do actually harm your body more and gain more weight by constantly dieting and then gaining it back. And the ability to gain more only increases after each diet. That is what happened to me. I finally decided to embrace my love of food, let nature take its course and I slowly gained 130 lbs. over a 12 year period. Like you I found it more and more enjoyable to just enjoy the process of fattening. I have reached my set point of around 300 lbs. give or take 5 to 10 and honestly don't think I will gain that much more. I have been at this set point for about 5 years. So enjoy the ride. You can always cut back a little when you feel you have reached the heaviest that you want to be. It sounds like you are thrilled with your gain so far and really want to stop the yo-yo cycle of dieting and just enjoy the ride.
9 years
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