You know you're a fat admirer when

when you dont mind your partner sitting around doing nothing all day, because they look so much hotter lying down with a belly hanging out waiting for u to bring them more food and do everything for them.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

I am on other dating sites but i never mention feederism to anyone i meet or talk to. Although i love this fetish it doesnt have to be part of a relationship to me. Of course if i could find someone i clicked with that also had these thoughts itd be great but if not i will still talk to them, i can always fantasize about it by myself. i have my picture up on these dating sites so people can see im not exactly slim and slender, so i assume the people who initiate conversation are attracted to what they see or are indifferent to the weight of a person.
11 years

That song!

On a Good Day by Above an Beyond... great for whatever mood im in.
I love Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin too. Its my favorite song off the Phobia album definitely.
11 years

Fat girl bondage

spikex85x wrote:
bondage with fat girls is even more funny: all that fat trying to escape and squeezed into the ropes... yummy!

^^^ my thoughts exactly
11 years

Wearing pencil skirts.....

DorsetDumpling wrote:
WitchyAkasha wrote:
Reaperman wrote:
Or tents and clown shoes smiley

based on what a lot of stores sell for us I'm pretty sure this is the newest trend in fashion

also just because fat girls aren't supposed to wear leggings...

Wow,that's HOT !!

You go,girl !!smiley

Agreed 100% those leggings look great on u! Now to find a pair for me.
11 years

Cats or dogs?

i love all animals... except birds, for some reason they hate me and like to attack me, therefore i hate them right back.
I have 2 cats and 1 dog. i cant say that i like one species more than the other because i think even within their species and breeds they can have different personalities.
i would like a pet fox though, they are adorable and make fun noises. very difficult to get here in australia though as they are considered a pest and most people would rather see them dead smiley
11 years

Fast food sizes

Havnt seen any changes to size here in Australia... but then everything is supposed to be bigger in the US so you would probably come here and be majorly dissapointed. Actually now i think they have taken away the super super huge slurpee cups... but they would melt before u could drink it all or u would get a mass brainfreeze smiley
11 years

Guilty pleasures

Pokemon... my love has just grown stronger since i was about 9 years old. I'm 21 now and still play the games and watch the shows.
11 years

Guilty pleasures

Oh thee are soo many that i have. Singing by myself when no one is around, spending far too long in the shower, bacon and egg mc muffins (i can never just have one), playing ridiculous facebook games, sleeping in... they are the main ones smiley
11 years

Ff & masturbation addiction

feederism is a fetish... although i find this much more than a fetish site... it is going to effect sexual urges, just as someone with a foot fetish would get when seeing feet. i am surprised that some people are worried about others masturbating over their pictures. firstly it should be obvious that if you are showing sexy pics with big bellies hanging out then you are providing possible masturbation material. Secondly someone having a wank over a pic isnt going to hurt anyone... unless the become obsessed stalkers, in which case you should either take the pics down or hide your location etc. i personally wouldnt care if my pics were masturbated over... nothing wrong with more pleasure in the world smiley
And to the OP, if it is effecting your daily life, you should think about seeing a psychologist/sex therapist, or limiting the time you spend on the internet/FF.
11 years
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