Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


3 months
I gained 10 lbs a month by eating whenever and whatever I felt like it... if I kept up that pace, I'd pack on 90 more lbs until the end of this year - making me as fat and heavy as 240 lbs 🤯ðŸ
+30lbs, currently: 155lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
3 months
22 years old, currently sitting at 390, so close to 400!
+0lbs, currently: 390lbs, goal: 500lbs
1 entry
Okay so this is year four of on and off for me and so far after taking a break after the holidays I have still gained about 10 pounds in the past two months and I’m really close to my first goal ...
+10lbs, currently: 185lbs, goal: 200lbs
15 entries
3 months
Long story short, a little after I got to my goal of 300 my gf at the time and I broke up. Was heartbroken, lost a bunch of weight, kind of fell out of the kink. But now, after lots of deliberation...
+0lbs, currently: 250lbs, goal: 300lbs
22 entries
I’ve been so busy this past week, but I still somehow managed to get to my highest ever weight of 215. I’m also going to two all you can eat places tomorrow, so I hope I can keep my appetite. W...
+10lbs, currently: 215lbs, goal: 230lbs
2 entries
3 months
Wow! That happened quick! I'm not on here often, so this is kind of like seeing an old friend after a couple years. I guess I look pretty different now! Maybe a little rounder... or maybe a lo...
+30lbs, currently: 310lbs, goal: 400lbs
2 entries
3 months
Lost 38 pounds unfortunately, but back up 5, and going to be eating a lot more fast food, adding more bread & flour tortillas to my diet.
+5lbs, currently: 297lbs, goal: 331lbs
7 entries
I’ve been travelling and walking A LOT lately so i’m pleasantly surprised to see that i’ve put on some weight instead of losing it.
+4lbs, currently: 187lbs, goal: 200lbs
2 entries
I looked at a scale recently and I finally was able to get pased 160! Yay!
+1lbs, currently: 178lbs, goal: 300lbs
1 entry
3 months
The more I'm on here the more I want to just let go and get beyond fat. Ive been eating constantly the past 2 days and the scale read 2 pounds lighter. I know weight fluctuate so I can't ...
-2lbs, currently: 253lbs, goal: 300lbs
19 entries